How Moving TO Linux for Avoiding Microsoft spying *IS* Possible for MOST People.

Discussion in 'Linux' started by smallhagrid, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    So - if by 'conservative' you mean "resistant to change" as regards -my- own PC & the OS I choose to use...that is most likely true.

    I always point to the same 2 ideas as being of importance IMO:
    1 - It is MY PC & as such it must be as I desire for it to be and NOT decided by some faceless monolith;
    2 - As time has passed, all this 'modernization' has resulted in the 'chrome-izing' of many, many things - which has effectively removed control from the users as well as what I would refer to as the brainiest features of all which has been thusly affected.

    As I see it, the last truly great M$ OS was Win2kPro - and yes - it was a bit stodgy & techie by comparison to all modern stuff, while also being absolutely rock solidly reliable.

    I only subjected myself to taming XP for my clients back then because they demanded it - and fortunately after XP I became semi-retired and now I can watch all this from afar - courtesy of Linux & the happiness of my remaining clients in also being full time Linux users.
  2. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Very Cute Dear Follower !!
    Try being on call 24/7 for ALL the s/w & h/w needs of ~100 clients - as I did for over 20 years.
    Great work, very demanding of client relations skills & also quite rewarding because of that.
    Being an independent consultant was far better than when I had a 'day job' before that.

    Those who have a 'day job' can go home after work & play video games until bedtime - but no way would I have traded my consultancy for that !!

    In the reply quoted herein it is once again very clear that my Dear Follower only sees what s/he wishes to see - as the reply s/he posted refers to a 'day job' instead of the OS related post that it is erratically refering to.
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You seem to have a burnout from all that work:thinking:
  5. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    I am so very fortunate to have such devoted & concerned Followers - Thanks so much for your concerned reply Enthousiast !!
    That very steady work level ended years ago as I've previosuly posted - and that must have also been TL;DR for you, so no biggie.

    But since you've pointed it out:
    That constant work was mostly a great joy to me as I had great relations with really good folks, got to solve lots of problems via doing loads of learning - and was blessed to recieve an abundance of open appreciation (besides being paid willingly for my works).

    The biggest reason I was forced to slow WAY down was what the medicos call 'cancer' - followed by the ~10 years of working to survive that after it had eaten up all my retirement savings, left me homeless a couple of times, and other very educational experiences.
    But here I am - still quite alive - healthier too - and so very blessed to have Followers appreciating my thoughts here now that I am semi-retired !!

    Not having any retirement funds makes living these days a bit challenging, BUT:
    I have 2 things gained in my learnings that CANNOT be bought=>
    Happiness and deep peace.

    My Best Wishes to All Here, and...
    To My Devoted Followers, as always:
