How on earth is this OS supposed to be finished in 5 weeks?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by nuhkka, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    RTM will be installed on every machine I have as soon as it will certainly be better than 8.1 and once the code is set they will start to work on the updates.
  2. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    this thread is out the window....people this thread is about 10147 only to report issues and try to solve them...not about RTM or any other future build:rolleyes:
  3. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Wait........ what?
  4. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    sorry i posted in the wrong thread:eek:
  5. FaiKee

    FaiKee Misinformation spreader

    Jul 24, 2009
    In win7 and before, RTM is RTM, no more new features/functions, geeks got quickly bored in waiting for the next Windows beta or hopefully a leak.

    Since win8 MS changed policy, RTM is something they found good(stable) enough to be released(sold) commercially, then add updates/GDR's from time to time, I rather like it, beta testers will constantly have a new toy to play and discuss about, so what's the problem? :p
  6. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    I disagree Faikee the rules have changes. We are seeing an operating system which is half baked being tested very transparently (nice change). However the evolution or maturity of the Operating System is not good. I hate to say this however at this point Windows 10 is a failure. I remain very skeptical as to if Windows 10 will be released in a stable fashion. At the present moment in reference to the current state in terms of RTM this Operating System is NOT ready to be released to the public. That is the problem we are trying to tell you because this OS has issues. It should be delayed like most companies do in order to iron out the rough edges. That is the common sense solution to this problem and so as not to release an OS that is obviously not ready for prime time.

    I think that answers the reason why we have problem with this.

    You say that beta testers like being able to play with new toys but I ask do we like playing with an OS that is half baked? No.
  7. mtrai

    mtrai MDL Addicted

    Apr 24, 2008
    Just to add a bit here...We are basing our definitions on how it was done previously but at least parts of that have gone out the windows (pardon the pun). Anyhow if I remember correctly and I am sure some can remind me but back with win 8 and 7 they were both "RTM" (which is not release to market but release to manufacture) sometime in mid to late August, for them to ramp up for the holiday sales. The next milestone would be GA which did not occur until late October or early November for both releases.

    What I am seeing is everyone is throwing the the term RTM around left and right but not correctly. The way I see this whole mess is they will be doing a new RTM = Release to Masses = Insiders and early adopters. I seriously doubt OEM are getting their RTM version on July 29. The OEMs still have about 30 days leeway on when they MUST have their RTM version. And we still do not know the GA date.

    The reason I believe this is the changes in the beta flighting of builds to the public. My time frames are based on both win 7 and 8, I can't remember XPs, VIsta, or Me. I do believe these timeframes are pretty much what it will be, the difference is we will get a "final" public release on July 29 while they still address issues and bugs.

    Right now with build 10130/10147 they are both feature complete. No new features will be added. The core is done. Bugs, cosmetics, working with driver manufactures will be MS's focus.

    So really both Faikee and Smorgan are correct. If MS follows close to the same release times as previous OS'es, just different ways of writing it and seeing it.
  8. coromonadalix

    coromonadalix MDL Senior Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    RTM = read the manual :p
  9. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    RTFM aka read the...
  10. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    You just have to look back at Windows 8.1 to find that the state of RTM has changed. When Windows 8.1 was signed-off RTM, it was only "good enough", but this was okay since they had still plenty of time until GA to iron it out (remember the GA update). I think what is concerning this time is that there doesn't seem to be this additional timeframe between RTM and GA, assuming that RTM is only signed-off shortly before release on July 29 and that "release" means GA. If 10147 is representative for the current state of the OS then, well, I don't know. I didn't check it out by myself. A lot of people were reporting it's pretty stable, but some people still seem to have problems with it. So the big question is: Will it be "good enough" for the masses coming July 29?

    Only time will tellâ„¢, I guess.
  11. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
  12. FaiKee

    FaiKee Misinformation spreader

    Jul 24, 2009
    It's just personal opinions, some guys were happy with 10130, 10147, or even builds before that there's no point to argue on it. When 7850 was leaked, it caused a great excitment, although 7850 was nowhere near what win8 eventually looked like, so yes, geeks are always hungry for new toys. :p

    Couldn't understand why you said that, MS had officially announced GA on Jul 29 and OEM machines will be on store shelves too, if it doesn't happen, people would suspect MS is in big problem, there will be a really nice show in NYSE. :rasta:
  13. MSASM

    MSASM MDL Novice

    Jul 2, 2008
    well like windows 7, 8 and 8.1 as soon as it launch, a (service pack or update 1, rollup 1) appear to fix common issue
  14. LiteOS

    LiteOS Windowizer

    Mar 7, 2014
    and also
    a starting point or base for some activity.
    if you're starting at ground zero in terms of knowledge, go to the library

    -google translate
  15. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    The problem is that they keep to make the same mistake.

    They want to please the shareholders so they rush the release, but doing so they let down the early adopters, which in turn means lower sales than expected, and not so happy shareolders.

    Vista is considered crap by anyone, but what if they RTMed Vista sp1 doing a longer public test?

    The same is true for win 8 v.s. 8.1

    Now they are doing it again.

    W10 in the actual status is "not that bad" but is far from being something you'll love at first sight.

    The start menu is better than the start screen but is far from being as useful as w7's one, the snap function of metro apps, one of the few nice things from win 8, is almost completely killed, Edge, is way less way finished than Vivaldi (which isn't even named beta in this moment), and I could continue for a day. Even the calculator, although plenty of functions, is not nearly as handy as the one coming from the stone age.
  16. FaiKee

    FaiKee Misinformation spreader

    Jul 24, 2009
    LOL, that would be MS's strategy and also their problem, right? :D
  17. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Call it "strategy" if you like the term. IMO behavior would be more appropriate.
  18. enotar

    enotar MDL Junior Member

    Nov 21, 2011
    #78 enotar, Jun 22, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2015
    There is no possible way they finish on time. Still to many issues and not enough nuild to test and report.
    I am on 10147 and even if it looks better it still a copy on windows 8 with some enhancements, all control panel should go to the new setting, drivers dont work like wlan and touchpad and auto rotate, some settings are missing example to customize start menu. Getting some freeze and have to reboot. There are so many things to do yet.
    But this is not the first release of a OS that will still some fix and patches.
  19. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Of course it will be finished on time. You don't announce a date unless you intend on keeping it. You may not like the way it is but it will roll out July 29th none the less.
  20. maxb2000

    maxb2000 MDL Member

    Aug 5, 2012
    There are some bugs that are not error message on shutdown, the tiles become hidden when move, start is unresponsive sometimes, cortana works just when she want. The thing I don't like in Windows 10 is the all apps page of start menu is just to slow to search for an app and the folders inside it doesn't look like good.

    Now I have a question: If the Windows 10 hits RTM this june acording to WZOR then Microsoft will release newer preview builds than RTM ?
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