How on earth is this OS supposed to be finished in 5 weeks?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by nuhkka, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. orlaf

    orlaf MDL Addicted

    Jan 22, 2015
    #121 orlaf, Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    I do not know why, but I believe little
  2. Mrox2

    Mrox2 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    #122 Mrox2, Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    Start menu is still buggy, this new start menu will never be "unbugged" ever, not even in RTM, If that ever happens. I would be so happy if Windows 10 is scrapped and we're offered hassle free Windows 8/7 Downgrades that preserves settings, info, and files and keeps them intact (seamless downgrade) that would be amazing, Longhorn 2.0 please.
    P.S. #ContinuumSucks #Win32StartMenuPlease #ClassicShellFTW

    I miss the good old days...
    Windows XP SP1 - SP2 .. (Service Packs)
    Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 (It made sense for a huge update.)
    Then comes... Windows 8 -> Windows 8.1 (Wtf?) -> Windows 8.1 Update 1 - Aka 8.1.1 (wth...)
    Soon ... Windows 10.1
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  3. D4rk_nVidia

    D4rk_nVidia MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2013
    XP had the most service packs.
    With Windows 8.1 they tried to get the users who hated Windows 8 and I dont think that Windows 10 will get 10.1 or something like that.

    Windows 7 was a very good upgrade from Vista but at release there was problems too with a few driver.
    Now Windows 8 was good in my opinion but it was not like Windows Vista to 7.
    Windows 10 makes everything right and I hope the RTM will be released soon so I can install it
  4. DomBom

    DomBom MDL Junior Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    2000 had SP4
  5. Techiekid

    Techiekid MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    #125 Techiekid, Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    I don't think people should be too worried about the OS being ready. If I recall correctly, there was this idea thrown out in May that Windows 10 may even the 'last' OS as we have come to know them. This is even more interesting considering what Gabe Aul says about the insiders..

    I believe insiders will be getting very interesting updates after the 29th, maybe modular functional units, even probably whole GUI facelifts. The idea as Microsoft says is to run it as a long-term service, so it is in order for one to be prepared for updates and service packs. Who knows, they could be yearly, or maybe monthly service packs. This is a new approach, I guess we'll have to be patient to see how it unfolds.

    And for regular consumers, you'll have a whole year to decide if you want to use, that is till July 2016. If you like shiny things, I think staying with the insider program might be the more interesting path.
  6. Shenj

    Shenj MDL Expert

    Aug 12, 2010
    Insiders will be testing the next big updates, so the next "Preview" after RTM will be based on Threshold 2 or Redstone whatever it's actually named, so if you want the latest cool stuff you will likely endup on the Insiders anyway though i imagine that a lot of "insiders" will change to the Slow ring at the start or after a while as the full-build updates are very annoying.
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  7. moistbuns

    moistbuns MDL Novice

    Jan 30, 2015
    Time will really have to tell; I expect things'll slow down by RTM and I wouldn't be surprised if the Insiders get mostly hotfixes and the usual WU bits in beta for a while. I expect, depending on adoption, W10 will get more or less the same support cycle as any other Windows OS (just for longer), or end up getting the equivalent to 8.1 every year (i.e. a few dozen changes based on feedback). After all, the 'fast ring' wasn't particularly fast and development isn't going to stay at it's current pace I imagine?
  8. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    I plan to opt out of insiders with the account I am using now and will use another account I signed up with today to play around with new builds under VM. I really don't want anything being pushed out fast or slow on the pcs I need to use every day.
  9. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    NT4 had 6 :D
  10. michaelmyers

    michaelmyers MDL Member

    May 28, 2015
    LOL @ people complaining about Start Menu being bugged and always will be. Works fine on my end. Oh that's right, what is bugged on yours, doesn't mean bugged for all. Different systems and configurations, different bugs. You're not the center of the Windows 10 world, buddy.

    People that don't understand that should stay away from testing an operating system :rolleyes:
  11. SkOrPn

    SkOrPn MDL Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Exactly this. I still have not found a bug on 10130 myself. Used for a busy home business during the day, and tons of gaming during the evening and lots of Netflix and Plex streaming. I cant break the start menu no matter how hard I try either. Go and install it on the computer in the next room and its damn near an entirely different situation.

    Its so close to be ready on my machine that when the very next Insider build ships I am going to install Windows 7 Ultimate and start the conversion process. I have 20 Ultimate licenses still unused, so I might just start fresh on a key I never used yet. Which brings me to a question, how does one leave the Insider Program? Do I just install the reserved copy that Microsoft directs me to, and that's it? or will there be a "Leave the insider program" button somewhere to click on that I must accomplish? Or will all of that become clear once I am back on 7 and going through the process of reserving my Pro copy? I can't wait to see how all this works... I have 8 computers, 3 tablets (and one MS Server 2008 R2) to do this to, so its going to be interesting for sure. lol
  12. michaelmyers

    michaelmyers MDL Member

    May 28, 2015
    It's people with systems too old for Windows 10 or using hardware that is actually a little too new that are having the issues. I'm a little shocked more people haven't noticed that yet. Every system in my home came with Windows 8 and Windows 10 all work perfect on them. The one that came with Vista, that we never use, has issues with it. I only wanted to see how it would work. Don't plan on ever using Windows 10 on it. At the most, 7 or 8.1 will be on there if I ever actually need it for anything. Just sits in a closet all lonely and scared.
  13. Shenj

    Shenj MDL Expert

    Aug 12, 2010
    I've installed it on a old netbook which came with XP and i only had to install the touchpad driver (for a not soo crappy touchpad) only issues i have on it are WinRT apps crashing and the usual 10130 bugs, and ofc W10 is a bit slow for this old machine but whatever i don't really use it :p
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  14. SkOrPn

    SkOrPn MDL Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Yeah it runs great on my 5 year old Rampage III Extreme with the Intel Hexa-Core Xeon and 12GB of DDR3. I have a few 2015 5th generation Intel NUC's with I5's (released this May 2015) though that I am a little worried about. Another main PC is the second generation i7 x79 but have not tried anything on that yet but it has 32GB of DDR3. The server worries me because it is a older Intel Core2Quad system and headless. And I have one Lenovo laptop I did not mention that is also a old core type system from about 2005, but I'm not even interested in doing anything with that. Its all the new Tablets, NUC's and PC's that I care about, and the Server but that is probably going to be a paid for OS if I upgrade it at all. So I should be having some fun, and not so much fun this late summer trying to get everything upgraded.

    But yeah my 1st Gen x58 system and its 6 cores 12 threads are running fantastic with Windows 10 so far, not really sure I even need to upgrade that machine just yet.
  15. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    I guess with the lack of new builds they are preparing for the final sign off so I hope that it will be a stable and almost bug free OS that they will bring to us but as always we will see when we get there :tea:
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  16. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Microsoft has to build the RTM within the next few days for the OEM's! That means that they would be busy for to get everything as best as possible to run so the OEM's could start to get their machines ready for to be placed in the shelf's of the shop to start selling! There wouldn't much time for MS right now for to build for the Insiders!!
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  17. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    And they'll be busy loading the Windows Update servers with Gigs of fixes and updates. :D
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  18. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Yah, I don't like it either, but RTM means very little to MS these days.
    It's expected that everyone will have their systems updated via Automatic Updates or at least WSUS if at work.
    Back during Vista and Win7 they at least made an attempt to ship a great RTM.
    Since 8.1 with Update they've really decided that patching monthly packs for changes and improvements is the way to go.

    This RTM is not something you're going to consider a master copy. It's going to be the starting point where you download the rest.
    My personal wish list:
    1 - Have MS make an updated build every month that people with legit licenses can download
    2 - Failing that, make updates all delta patch versions (think they're doing this in win10 already) and offline integrateable without pending status
    3 - Make the game performance as high as possible. I'm thoroughly convinced that most gamers will get over any hassles if the performance is good.
    4 - Let people customize the amount of Store crap that the system puts on by default. I.E. perhaps an option to hide all store things or an option to use classic (win7 start menu)

    The annoying thing is that I'm not sure we'll get any of those things, short of some games that support dx12 a year or two down the line.
    IMO they're not changing the OS enough. It's basically win8 with a start menu and dx12.
  19. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    I agree with your wish list except Nr.1
    That would make me work day and night to keep jukebox updated if they would issue an updated build every month :nono3:
  20. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    I guess you are smart with computers so build a torrent automated script for that :D
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