>>>Please note: At the moment, in Win8.1 it's impossible to activate Office 2013 Retail! You have to convert Retail to Volume and activate with Vol-MAK-Key by Phone.
Hi there EFA. If you or anyone can help me with a mak for office.. Or direct me to a better place than pastebin.. I tried all i could find, none working...
Not sure if this would help, but when you go to File > Account in any Office 2013 product, you will have "Change Product Key". Click that, and then select "Use email address instead". That should do the trick.
I´m triying to actívate office in w8.1 by phone. It´s not possible. Microsoft says the serial number is blocked. any idea? where do I find a valid serial number for validate by phone?
Can you please let me know the way to activate office 13 on Win8.1? I've already wasted last 3 hours for this. Thanks in advance!
I have just installed KMSpico_9.0.3.20131029 in Windows 8.1 Pro (build 9600) and now my Office 2013 Pro is activated. Thanks.
I have activated Office 2013 via kms but after I deleted kms host ,Office remains activated but gives errors in Windoes reliability monitor: So this is normal and are there peoples with the same issue?