The glass always is half full, never half empty... 1: There's nothing wrong with changing registry settings, isn't that exactly why regedit exists? If no one except for ms can change regsettings then the whole existance of the registry wouldn't make any sence. 2: the ZWT keygen isn't running all the time, it runs for about 30sec every 180 days. Ans what's wrong with a port being opened? If users aren't allowed to open or close ports of their choice, the existance of the ports and the ability of opening and closing them also makes no sence. 3: Loaders don't make moddifications to any system files, and it's always allowed to use an alternative bootloader like grub (otherwise linux + windows multiboot isn't possible). When installing daz's loader the grub file gets a random name, it gets encrypted, and it has additional random bits/bytes in it. This means no ones grub file is identical, so even cloud stuff can't do anything against it (I think). Only cert and pkey are identical to other's, but they can't block those cause they would flag all OEM pcs with this.
tx for the info. we try to get ready for that technology. But as you said our last method is using microsoft's rules to add the required licenses. And for the registry modification I hav got an idea to circumvent that check you mentioned. but I am not gonna tell anyone about it till Cloud Security has been launched. tx again for the info
I think we already solve that issue. I am looking into Trial edition right now. Our new method seems flawless.
I am going out on a limb here for that is the dumbest thinking of why Microsoft will not make their products uncrackable. Microsoft is not stupid and anyone who thinks they are stupid is fooling themselves. Microsoft lost over 1.5 billion USA Dollkars on Piracy of their Products in the last year. That is one helll of an incentive for MS to do something about it - thus, CLOUD SECURITY TECHNOLGY is their answer and believe me many of you who have sought out ways to activate MS products using devices that changed registry keys, manipulated files, moved and deleted files, etc., will be the losers for your products will be NON-GENUINE. In one of the post on this forum about OFFICE 2010, there is this suggestion that you can stop osppsvc.exe services....well, no you cannot without major problems with Office 2010 when CLOUD SECURITY Technology is will discover this and it will figure out that there is a reason to turn off activation of its product and it will declare the product as NON-GENUINE....
Pretty much its a pain to even try to delve into the coding of office 2010 because you can't take down the OSPPSVC.exe program without office 2010 spasming to death and saying mommy repair me and so forth.... And yes Windows was by far the easier way to go because it didn't having a anti-pirating program running all the time lol.... And CODYQX4 that logic ain't quite workin out because its probably going to be easy to hack at windows 8 if the Windows Activation doesn't change that much and well office 2012 is gonna be a tiny bit harder...
I don't like the 180 day bit but I'll roll with it for now... Luckily I don't have to do that with windows... Windows was much easier to get by and I kinda like doin my own thing... The main problem with office 2010 is that everything is protected from the registry keys to the activation status stored in the tokens.dat... You would have to find the backup office has and change that as well in order to do anything from the start....
Yea and hence the reason why windows is easier to get by lol... I've been tweaking with the registry without much luck thou... And even when you try to put the MAK activated one into the registry it says it can't be done... I wonder if thats possible to get around...
Sorry for the late response I am trying to transfer the MAK activated files from a non-virtual computer to one in Vmware Workstation 7.1 aka Server 2008 r2 hacktivated copy with some of my own stuff.... From what I can understand all I would need to do is take the registry info and the tokens.dat and cache.dat and transfer then unfortunately that isn't working out but if it can be done that would give a permenant activation...
I think Microsoft doen not want their product to be pirated but they have OEM partners and they need to keep them satisfied. Otherwise they will not buy Microsoft products. Office 2010 activation is much harder to get by because OEM's does not include a full Office 2010 on thier products. And we are trying to stick to their rules as much as possible. That's why I introduced the new method of installing licenses, cos it was MS rule. And even that registry part is MS rule. that ProPlus and ProPlusr MSI files both install licenses and create registry values.
Smorgan, during activation tokens.dat and cache.dat are not changed. only the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform is being changed. but transfering a license is a bit hard, cos based on my test cid (computer identifier) is included in the data in that key. and also a little modofication to that key results in losing Office. OSPP would say "data is tamperred". but still I am interested in the subject. so lets share our ideas to see if we can do that or not. The other idea I had was to inspect the packets that is trasfered between MS servers and Office during an activation process and then code a program to reproduce them. But this one seems to be difficult also, cos cid is importatnt in this one too. So I get a feeling that we need to work on the subject of changing cid into some cid's we want. then everything will be easy (at least I think so).
The result could ultimately mean an "activated" VL that could fail OGA. But so what. Office updates could still be installed seperately and the 180 day issue would be a problem anymore? so I say go for it
Sorry for the late response but Sebus is quite correct on on at the moment.... Still trying to do some concept stuff to prove that this can be done thou...