new to your site where do one gets product key for retail version english to actavate newbie sorry to bother but... more ii read the more i get confused my screen name is email great site dave cruz chicago area
thx for your help sprogan was good enough to help me. installed retail english version thus far everything is working fine.
Hi everyone This is my first post here and I've read through this thread and my head is somewhat spinning. For the first time in my life, I've decided I shouldn't pirate software and actually buy windows, office, at my home and even at our office. So I reinstal our Windows Server 2003 (the only piece of legit MS software we had) and activate TS. I also check out VL but the licenses are over 200$ more expensive per license than the regular boxed versions so I obviously didn't go that route. However, nice surprise when I try and instal this on our server as 2010 NEEDS a VLK version to work on a TS server. No way I'm going to dump a version I legally paid for in the trash for something like this and we do have legit versions for each user logging on the TS (they'll be working on office locally anyway). So searching lead me here. But I have a legit retail standard x86 version already installed and activated but its useless to me on this system. What are the risks in using the tool by letsgoawayhell in post 279 to try and switch my license to a VLK ? Do I need a special file for my purpose (or is it already included in the download ... I can't tell what is what) ? Would it request an activation every 180 days or would it just instal a second license and acknoledge the VLK but use the genuine retail activation not to bug me ? All these questions ... thanks.
Regarding the KMS activator I put the ZWT's "raw" 78KB emulator to the test with Process Explorer/Monitor and I saw no suspicious activity: Process explorer registered no disk IO activity (zeros); Process Monitor registered no suspicious registry activities other than the normal found in other 32 bit console exe's. No network activity either. So unless it is doing something we cannot see with these tools (current session code injection or similar, which is unlikely) I think it is safe to run outside of a VM. By the way in a VM environment it is not working to reactivate Office if the emulator is not running locally, I don't know why. The first remote activation went Ok but after that the cscript ... /act doesn't work at all to connect to a remote KMS. Weird. No firewalls and still. The KMS activation is the best method we can go with, in my opinion too. By the way is there some point in having a Retail edition instead of a VL one? The functionalities are the same, with the VL's only inconvenience of having to reactivate every 180d. Converting a Retail to VL makes sense only if one does not have a VL edition or a retail key for his Retail Edition. With a proper Scheduled task the inconvenience will be gone. The forum still has problems with login and restore password functions and I had to create three accounts so far.
The script in the post #279 does not change your retail license to VLK / MAK one ...... instead it is installing the certificate that are used for offline key input / validation (the /inpkey process for the ospp.vbs) so that you can enter a VLK / MAK for the retail version of Office 2010 without replacing any files (the installation file of Office 2010 comes in 2 format, one is retail while the other one is volume edition) btw If you really want to get legit product key for all those MS products ..... I would recommend you to get a technet (especially useful in non-production environment) or MSDN account ........ those accounts can be used to request hundreds of legit key (although the key that granted by technet account is not allowed to be used in production environment) that can be used to activate your MS product (including Windows 7 and other stuff like that) ...... if you have found that the key is not enough for you to use (sometimes only 10 retail keys are available for a product) ......... you can send a email to request new product key and said that as you need to evaluate the product deployment in your company and their functionality ......... you want much more product key such that you can test on every computer on your company ......
My recommendation for newcomers I recommend everyone to use CODYQX4's Office 2010 Toolkit and EZ-Activator.
Hello! I am from Brazil and I was looking for a way to do this conversion in Office14. Congratulations for your explanation and it makes me to be interested in know more about the subject. Them I installed VmWare in my PC to test it. In you comments you said " if you use my Office14Retail2VL changer". I would like to know if I can use this solution ( officeretail2vl) and were can I get it. congratulations! Thank you very much. Norba
Those files are indeed correct, and it's for all languages, not only for english. In fact all files inside Proplus(r).ww are language independent
h t t p ://forums. mydigitallife. info/threads/20333-M-Office-2010-Acti**tion-and-Conversion-Kit There is an option in this kit to convert retail license to volume Remove space in link Does it work Please someone try
@acid29 yea that will work,but i recommend Office toolkit. @others I have updated the first post a little.
I would like to thank PKAJI123[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif] for his excellent instructions. Method 3 worked like a charm. I have been using the trick REARM for the past 5 months and 2 days ago it stopped working. I looked all over the net for a way to get my office working. Now im up and running again. Thanks[/FONT]