You could just add this to activate it: echo ***************************************************** cd %0\..\ Start Keygen.exe cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act cd %0\..\ TaskKill Keygen.exe cscript "%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /dstatus echo . echo . echo . echo Look above to see that if everything went ok? echo You should see "VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel" in "LICENSE DESCRIPTION" section. echo ============================================================================ pause And if you put ZWT's keygen.exe file in the same folder it would work... Just a suggestion dude but its nice work!!!
Oh, thanks. I did not add it coz I thought it is against the forum rules. And yes, also: cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /sethst: before that /act part.
I don't know if it is or isn't against the rules but I don't think it is cause you've made something new thou.... And my bad I forgot the kms server address.... And another tip you could integrate the Registry patch in there as well but I don't know the specific files that you changed... type Reg ADD /? to learn about that in CMD prompt!!!
Thanks for the tip. I know how to use REG command but I think it is a lot more easier to import reg files, coz there are complex binary values to be imported to registry and it's a lot of work to create them using REG comand. At lest it is my opinion. But I'd be happy to hear your opinion.
No problem m8. good news is that I am working on another interesting thing regarding Office 2010. I think it would be good to be able to use all Retail, MAK and KMS keys to activate. (ie A mixed Retail-VL edition) Will let you all know about the results.
From what i read from the script, it won't insert the VL key with x64 windows because ospp.vbs is located in Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ not %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office14\
You can check our previous post to get more insight, but yes as I said before we are changing an already installed Retail office into VL. And yes, Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus. Oh, BTW I hate Standard edition. Thanks, I forgot to say that before. Yeah, you are right. I use Office 2010 x86 under 32bit Windows. So the script is targeted at 32bit platform. but I'd be happy to use some help from you guys in order to extend the script to do the trick under 64bit platforms as well. Those on 64bit Windows can use the manual method that was poted in the previous page thou.
kk, tx. I'll take a look at it. Update: great tool. dunno how come that I missed it before. And it would be my honor if we continued developing new tools together. And regarding conflict, Nope, It is not like we are patching Office. It is the way it is supposed to be (At least I think so). but Microsoft guys just kept it to themselves. And I am using it right now. no problems at all.
Actualy, the problem is only with x64 windows installing x86 office. x64 office has the same path. . You can make two batch files and put them in the same folder, one name (x86)Retail2VL with original one and one name (x64)Retail2VL only modifed "%ProgramFiles%" to "%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)". Or you can make 1 batch file with two option: press 1 for x86 windows or x64 windows with x64 office; press 2 for x64 windows with x86 office.
Thanks for the info. And Great idea. Update: I missed CODYQX4's post the othe time. He is right, better to do the check in bat file than to let user choose. I'd say a little IF EXIST will do the trick.