Looking at the above print screen, it appears that you have installed 2 versions of Office 2010, right?
@letsgoawayhell: in order for it to work with x64 windows installing x86 office, the registry key also have to be changed. Change all "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\" to "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\".
I just did a double check and I have 3 licenses available on my copy of office 2010 x64 heres a copy of the dstatusall if you want to know... Funny part is that I don't know how I did it.... Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Morgan> C:\Users\Morgan>cscript "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /dst atusall Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ---Processing-------------------------- --------------------------------------- SKU ID: 191301d3-a579-428c-b0c7-d7988500f9e3 LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlusAcad-MAK edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, RETAIL channel LICENSE STATUS: ---UNLICENSED--- ERROR CODE: 0xC004F014 ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available. --------------------------------------- SKU ID: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---LICENSED--- ERROR CODE: 0 as licensed Last 5 characters of installed product key: H3GVB REMAINING GRACE: 159 days (228829 minute(s) before expiring) --------------------------------------- SKU ID: fdf3ecb9-b56f-43b2-a9b8-1b48b6bae1a7 LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeProPlus-MAK edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, RETAIL channel LICENSE STATUS: ---UNLICENSED--- ERROR CODE: 0xC004F014 ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available. Thought you guys would be interested in seein this...
Its the times u have installed Office 14 on ur computer, and even u uninstalled all of them, its still there.
I've also 3 activation sections with 1 installed office. I think every activation method just has a part on the cmd screen, and only the one that's currently used gives correct or complete info, the other parts give errors because they aren't active or used. So normally only 1 of those CAN be without errors. letsgoawayhell has 2 without errors which can only be done by modding office, and he also managed to remove the MAK part. So it's not just the number of times you installed office, it's much more.
Nope, I did not. As I already said, I installed Retail MSDN Office 2010 exe (ProPlus to be precise), and then did the same things that I told you about in previous posts, except that instead of using VL token I used a Mixed token.
Great Info. A million thanks. I'll use it to add 64bit Windows support. BTW, I did not know that Office x64 runs under WOW.
/dstatusall let you see all the options that you have to activate Office 2010. /dstatus let you see the one option that you have chosen for activation (based on the product key that you have entered during installation or the one installed later.) When you install a VL edition of Office 2010 ProPlus, you can choose between 3 options: 6F327760-8C5C-417C-9B61-836A98287E0C->OfficeProPlus-KMS_Client 191301D3-A579-428C-B0C7-D7988500F9E3->OfficeProPlusAcad-MAK FDF3ECB9-B56F-43B2-A9B8-1B48B6BAE1A7->OfficeProPlus-MAK Do you remember the files inside VL msi. (Those 2 pictures that I poseted before) Take a look at them and you will know for yourself.
How to change Retail license into Mixed license OK guys, Now it's time I let you know about this new method. I named it "Mixed Channe/Licensel" because you can use both Retail and VL keys to activate. The procedure is quite the same as before, the only difference is that you must use this new "Mixed token" instead of "VL token" that I put in "Office14Retail2VL-0.1.rar". Here is the new "Mixed token": Just to be clear, I say one more time: If you want to change you office into Mixed channel/license, You must extract "Office14Retail2VL-0.1.rar" and replace VL "tokens.dat" with this new Mixed "tokens.dat" and then run the batch file.
Yes, It is not much of a deal. You remember the manual method I posted for changing Retail into VL? don't add registration information to your registry, and run one of programs from Offoce suit (ie word,excell or whatever). Yes, It is not much of a deal. You remember the manual method I posted for changing Retail into VL? Follow those steps but don't add registration information to your registry, and run one of programs from Offoce suit (ie word,excell or whatever). It will try to do a reconfiguration, and asks for product key again. just give it your product key and let it do the reconfiguration. during this so called reconfiguration, Office will add retail tokens to "tokens.dat". and because we have put VL token there, now we have VL+Retail token.
No, You misunderstood me. You have to install Office Retail and change the Retail token with VL token and then let office to reconfigure. OR: You have to install Office VL and change the VL token with Retail token and then let office to reconfigure. More insight: When you run a software from Office suite, it asks OSPP some questions about activation state and then match them to it's own registration information. If they don't match, it will try to reconfigure itself.