I activated MS365 using Ohook (MAS), is it mandatory to activate via KMS/Mondo licenses to get visual refresh? I'm thinking to run Visual Refresh [Retail] 365 Edition With Block KEYS.cmd Re flags, how to add them btw? TIA
I don't quite understand your wording (sorry) but I'll I assume I'm good to go... Regarding flags shared by @Dolmatov , how to add/use/install them? Are they meant to be here? HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\ExperimentEcs\all\Overrides Are those thousands lines of flags really needed? TIA
I meant to say That in order to get the effects It install retail license. And it not need to be activated So, for that Matter. Not matter. ( No need mondo, the retail is enough. License or not. Not matter. Registery Keys are blocked!)
Version 2412, flag Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.VisualVersion.Fluent2025 At the moment I haven't noticed any changes. These may be subtle improvements or preparations for change. P.S. It looks like additional license checking will be implemented Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.VisualVersion.ForceDebug Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.VisualVersion.VerifyLicensingReady