Is it possible to get new interface on office 365 genuine license not Mondo? If yes without changing license, how?
Can only get Excel to show the new mica rounded corner ribbon UI refresh. I've used Office 2013-2021 C2R Install to clean up Office install and download individual 2021 products v2109 build 14430.20298. Added the registry edit for experimental feature overides. Any help?
Rebooted after applying the registry key? As mentioned in my post I sometimes found it necessary to run one of the apps that didn't have Fluent UI and update, or reboot.
I used "Current channel (retail/RTM)" v2109 14430.20298. Not insider. Yes I rebooted, restarted many times. Only Excel works.
I thought you meant the "ExternalFeatureOverides - true" registry edits. You mean this? Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\OfficeUpdate] "PreventBingInstall"=dword:00000001 "updatebranch"="InsiderFast" There's no "OfficeUpdate" under 16.0\Common folder.
Yes, you have to add the registry key. Save it as whateveryouwanttocallit.reg then double-click it or right-click it and Merge to add it to the Windows registry. Reboot, if Office apps haven't got Fluent UI run an update inside an Office app. Remember as in the OfficeInsider tweet you may have to restart apps once or twice for the change to kick in - as in my main post I had to.
Tried that, rebooted a couple times, restarted app a couple times, checked update a couple times (I'm on v2111, 14530.20000), still only Excel received the Fluent UI update.
I did use the scrubber tool to do a full clean up and rebooted after, but I used Office 2013-2021 C2R 7.3.3 to download individual products and did retail>VL and activation. Mine says LTSC, not Mondo 2016, same version number though.
You can't get the Fluent UI on LTSC (yet), you have to be in 365 preview channel. I haven't installed with the C2R tool (you mean the Ratiborus one). Puzzled how you are applying the registry key and remaining on LTSC. Don't know. All I can suggest now is use latest YAOCTRI.
@lukedriftwood Not familiar with that Office 2013-2021 C2R 7.3.3 tool installing, but cant see any option for Office 365. Anyway, after a scrub and reboot - use newest YAOCTRI (see above post). Install Office Suite - Office 365 only - no other, you'll be able to choose which apps you want as you progress through. Choosing Channel: Beta Insider (Will be fluent UI when installed - Note again, apps may need several starts). Current Preview (Will be fluent UI when installed - Note again, apps may need several starts). Current Monthly (Will require the registry key added, reboot and update to get Fluent UI). You'll see in YAOCTRI ReadMe file, YAOCTRI will install VL product, YACTRIR will install retail product and require conversion after (KMS_VL_ALL) will do that. Please post back your result.
Thanks for the help. It's strange that my Excel LTSC 2021 got fluent UI so easily, but not other products.
Office 365 Business (Current Channel) with Fluent UI enabled via experimental features registry. This post.