Intel bios is rather difficult to modify. We would need the ROM version of the there a way of extracting it from the .BIO file.
I wouldn't know... I've never messed around with BIOS' before. Do ROMs have a specific header I could look for within the BIO(S) file? Just some random strings I found while skimming through the file in a hex editor: CY91510A.86A.0040.2006.0926.10100 OPSD BIOS 980101000000Z 351231235959Z0 There are two large sections of FF's surrounding a block of jibberish, I pasted all the hex between the FF blocks into a new file, but it didn't work -- same BIOS size not valid.
Gigabyte bios is the easiest bios to modify and I have modified a lot of gigabyte bios and never had a problem one as long as you use FLASHSPI in DOS to flash your bios. My board is gigabyte and dual also
Thanks for that, what I really wanted was confirmation that the use of the HP SLIC and HP Vista cert with Giga BIOS were ok. The tool concluded with "success" so I think I will give it a shot (bootup of course).
I had the same error message. I went to the Advanced settings and ticked the box to 'Overwrite dummy code'. After that I had a successful mod. (Abit IP35 BIOS 16)
Did you use any lo*ders, cr**ks, patches, bios emulators or other gimmicks to activate windows before flashing your bios? If you did, then there lies the problem.
So I just used the awardtool to make a slic bios for the evga classified e760 but do I need to use HP since HP is the only working cert? Or am I wrong? I'm new to this.
There are many working cetfications....HP, DELL, Lenovo, Fujitsu and the list goes on....Acer does not work, Gigabyte does not work HP or Dell are good ones. Be sure to use ISA method when you modify your EVGA Bios....EVGA has an active slic already inserted into it...therefore, you need to use ISA which will over write the active SLIC with the new SLIC v2.1
What brands are not good? Lenovo, DELL and HP are all working certs...mine is activate by HP, my brothers is HP, my sisters is activated by DELL.....Just yesterday 2 were activated by Lenovo.