What ever is easiest for you m8....... I've got 2 separate drives that I will caddie in and out of the system.... one with Vista and one with W7. This way I avoid any cross activation and dual boot complications/issues.
Dear god 911.....you don't mess about do you m8! If you ran a postal service the letter would get there before I'd finished writing the address on the front of the envelope...lol Just grabbing a cup of tea and a sandwich(help keep me awake), then if I finnish before I pass out I'll let you know how it went tonight, If however I don't reply tonight I will be back later, probably with key shaped impressions on my face from falling asleep on the keyboard, but I will be back to let you know how it went. Cheers 911....you're a star!
Update Well the flash went without a glitch all nice and smooth, untill the reboot, were it frooze. At first I thought it was the ol "asus scare the crap out of you till you reset cmos", but unfortunately it still freezes.... Now its stuck on the asus splash screen, but whats weird is it passes post, just won't let me in or boot....lol. Oh well life goes on..... I doubt it was anything your end m8......just been that 1 in 100 Cheers anyway m8
Ya, the reason it was so fast is it was already done..It has been tested and successful 6 times. I really do not know what happened. try to recover in the morning and try again..The mod works. How did you flash it???
Booted to dos flashed via aflash+floppy with file Like I said m8.....Just been the one occasion were everything went smooth... and looked like it should have worked....it just didn't...... Its an old board which was in all honestly , probably just waiting for an excuse to go wrong. I think the flash just gave it a reason to end it all....lol. Also the reason I picked the asus board was, if it went wrong, use the recovery feature, but it won't let me in.....lol....I should have seen that coming..... So unless you have a trick up you're sleeve(apart from replacing the bios), then that one will just have to be stuck in the files of experience under.... "lifes a bitch"...hehe. As I said...not to worry, have a few spare ol gigabyte boards.... I try with one of those tomorrow.... stubbornness and determination.... The only topping you can use on lifes turds.....lol. Anyway, I'm 10 seconds from oblivion....so.... Night m8....and thanks for the effort.... regardless of the out come its very much appreciated!
So i used AMI Slic Mod 1.31 and tried all three methods to mod EeePC 1000H bios 2102, and you know what, only SSV2 and dynamic methods succeeded in modding the bios; SSV3 method failed with error code "no space to insert slic table". Looks like this confirms previous mods of EeePC bioses without ssv3 method. Thanks 911medic for your advice.
911medic - When I downloaded the original copy you posted, I checked it against the version from a few months back, and noted the changes you made for HP 2.1 were in about the same places. Looked good. I moved the .bio file into my bootable DOS CD and set aside for later flashing. When another user, jacobo at post #434, reported the file could not be downloaded, I decided to try a new download of your file from the slics5 location ( you said at #437 it had been moved ). That file is changed in about the same places but much different code inserted. At the moment, I have four copies - 1. Original .bio extracted from Sony installer file. 2. Copy of the same modded for 2.0 by Fzeven, that copy is in the Vista All Slics in the Intel section. 3. Copy you posted in your first link at slics.myftp. See #412. 4. Copy you pointed to at the slics5.myftp location. See #437. All differ at about the expected mod points. The assumption from your answer to jacobo was that the file had been moved to the slics5 server. Maybe it really is another mod. My first concern was someone might have tampered with your servers, but perhaps they really are seperate mods, both good. As for making another for me, let's wait for the flood of new certs and keys in a couple of months. Thanks.
You just need to ask........ I have accumulated a Crapload of tools for these bios. Most allow manual mods of some sort.