How to Modify Your Own Bios Using AMI Mod Tool and Award Mod Tool

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Busykid508, Jul 29, 2009.

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  1. NoJuan999

    NoJuan999 Experienced SLIC Tool Operator

    Jul 31, 2009
    ^ That's fine, if you scroll down through the Log you will see that it was just part of the process to get that Module adjusted to the Proper size so it would fit back into the BIOS.

    Just make sure you flash it with the /p /n /c Swicthes with AFUDOS so the NVRAM area gets updated.
  2. Luisile

    Luisile MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2010
    NoJuan999 thanks for answer!
  3. Luisile

    Luisile MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2010
    Also can i update only the nvram area? afu dos support this...
  4. NoJuan999

    NoJuan999 Experienced SLIC Tool Operator

    Jul 31, 2009
    Yes AFUDOS supports updating the NVRAM area of the BIOS if you use the switches I listed above.

    Flash from DOS like this:
    Afudos BIOS.ROM /p /n /c

    Replace BIOS.ROM with your Bios file name.
  5. Oery

    Oery MDL Junior Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    thank you.......... :)
  6. max32x

    max32x MDL Novice

    Jan 6, 2011
    Gigabyte removes the Energy Star and DualBIOS logos from their newer BIOSes

    In the first post of this thread, I see the following statement concerning the SSV3 modding method and the EPA (Energy Star) logo stored inside the Award BIOS:

    "For Award bios to prevent all the modules from shifting we black out the EPA logo which makes it highly compressible. This way all the modules below the EPA logo will still remain at their original offsets. SSV3 works well with most bioses. For Gigabyte Award bios it's usually the best choice."

    But I've just found, on a FAQ page at Gigabyte's traditional Chinese website, that Gigabyte says they have started to remove the Energy Star and DualBIOS logos from their newer BIOSes, in accordance with a new EPA rule that a product (computer set) must acquire an EPA certification for it to carry the Energy Star logo. Also, as a consequence, the DualBIOS logo is removed for the purpose of tidying up the screen display.

    As a new comer in this forum, I can't post the link to the above Chinese FAQ page, but it's a product FAQ for all the versions of the GA-890GPA-UD3H mother board, which uses Award BIOS. Strangely, no similar statement for the same mother board is found at any English Gigabyte site.

    I have checked the four most recent versions of the Award BIOS of my mother board (GA-890GPA-UD3H rev. 1.0): F6, F7, F8 and the newest F9B. Only the F6 version (April 7, 2010) still shows those two logos. Since the F7 version (July 28, 2010), they have disappeared.

    My question is:"Since the two logos no longer exist and their place in BIOS is now occupied by other bits, is SSV3 still a valid method to mod Gigabyte's newer BIOSes?" If not, what should we do, instead?
  7. pdixon0

    pdixon0 MDL Novice

    Jan 29, 2011
    Hi there

    I've been following this thread for a while and have been trying in vain to get SLIC2.1 injected into an old MSI KT880 Delta BIOS - (model 7047). I've tried quite a few different options which all advise they're successful but I'm still unable to activate Win 7 Pro. I am using the HP SLIC, SLP Key and cert and using latest AMI Mod Tool v1.16.

    AMI Mod Tool states that the code is being injected into NVRAM - is there any way to verify this in RW Everything? I can't seem to confirm it :(

    This is my 1st post so I'm unable to post a link, but the BIOS file can be quite easily found (if you don't mind!) by searching on MSI's website for KT880 Delta downloads - BIOS version I'm using is the latest one...

    Would be much obliged if anyone can help?

    Kind regards

  8. NoJuan999

    NoJuan999 Experienced SLIC Tool Operator

    Jul 31, 2009
    Are you using SSV2 Method ?
    Are you Flashing with Afudos 4.x from MSI ?
    With this command:
    afud4xx BIOS.ROM /p /n /c

    BIOS.ROM = Your BIOS File
    afud4xx = Afudos from MSI
    /n = switch to update NVRAM in BIOS
  9. pdixon0

    pdixon0 MDL Novice

    Jan 29, 2011
    Hi there!

    Yeah, it's automatically selecting SSV2 which I believe is correct for MSI BIOS's...?

    I'm actually using MSI's BIOS flash utility which is performed in DOS using an old Win98 boot disk. Will AFUDOS work with such an old BIOS do you know? (It's an old Socket A AMD board!)

    If it can I'll give it a try :)

    Thanks and kind regards

  10. pdixon0

    pdixon0 MDL Novice

    Jan 29, 2011
    Hi NoJuan999

    AFUDOS states:

    Error: BIOS does not support AFU.

    Just checked the switches for ADSFI713.exe which is the installer packaged with the BIOS files, these are as follows:

    -B : Disable Boot Block Programming.
    -N : Disable NVRAM Block Programming.
    S : To save Flash ROM data into file AND quit.
    C : Clear CMOS after programming done.
    R : Force Reboot after programming done.
    L : Chipset and Flash Part list.
    K : Check BIOS ID.

    From that I would have though that NVRAM would be flashed as I do not use any switches when flashing the BIOS file - i.e. in DOS C:\> ADSFI713 A7047VMS_SLIC.200 <enter>

    I'm going to create a new thread in the correct part of the Forum for this instead of hijacking!


  11. chalemon

    chalemon MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2008
    Hello max32x I'm on the same problem with the lastest bios version f12a of my mobo ma785gm-us2h rev 1.0 , I found that our friend Roman did the mod with the FACS option on awardtools, I start practice and do the mod by myself, I did 5 different methods, Facs, ssv1,0+2,isa and the ssv3 but I have to indicated on the advance option that put the "force adjustment method" and select "scpitbl at end" and then could finish the mod on ssv3. I'm very rookie with bios, and I don't know how will be the best method we've to use with our bioses, in the past I made a mod for my old asrock amd 754 and had some troubles with usbs don't recognize on startup, and when I properly shutdown the mobo and unplug the pc from electricity, when I reconnect inmediatly the mobo startup, I verify on bios the option that order the board to stay off if a power loss occurs, please someone can tell us, what can be the best method to apply on our bios, thank you so much to all people that made possible this incredible forum.

    I'm apologize for my terrible english, I speak spanish.
  12. Sandman88

    Sandman88 MDL Novice

    Feb 22, 2011
    Windows 7 "Security Essentials" reports the "INTEL_2_AMI.RAR" file as a worm?

    I've tried downloading the "INTEL_2_AMI.RAR" file a couple of times and "Windows 7 Security Essentials" flags it everytime as a serious security threat, a worm that propagates through a network. Is this file legitimate or not?
  13. NoJuan999

    NoJuan999 Experienced SLIC Tool Operator

    Jul 31, 2009
    It's clean.
    I have used it numerous times without any problems.
  14. dxiaolin

    dxiaolin MDL Novice

    Feb 18, 2011
    thank you very much . I leared a lot from it.
    I'll try it
  15. dishead

    dishead MDL Novice

    Mar 8, 2011
    asrock p4s55fx

    hi folks

    just tried to mod my asrock P4S55FX (latest bios 1.70 and ami-tool 1.61, dell and asus slic 2.1, povided)
    everything went fine so far (ssv2 method ,message "success")
    the board restarted with no problem, but my previously installed "XP" which runs perfectly ok, with the original bios, keeps on crashing (BSOD also in save mode), so i couldn't even run the slic-tool to check it.
    the tutorial suggests to use ssv3 method by changing the manufacturer to asrock, but the dropdown is greyed out in my case and there's no way to get in that mode.

    any ideas ??

  16. Artur89SD

    Artur89SD MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2009
    Asus Sabertooth x58

    Anyone tried to modify the Asus Sabertooth x58 BIOS.
    If someone already tried, please let me know the utilized method.
    This is a freshly aquired motherboard, and I don't wanna lost all the spend money because of a wrong bios mod.
    Sorry for any mistake in the writing. I not speak english.
  17. Ru1ey

    Ru1ey MDL Novice

    Oct 26, 2009
    Thanks for the tool, makes it really easy to mod all of my bioses.
  18. pichu

    pichu MDL Novice

    May 9, 2008
    Thx for the tool too. I modded about 20 bioses without any problems. All my friends have modded bioses and slic activated windows :D
  19. yoda

    yoda MDL Novice

    Apr 30, 2011
    Hi Guys,

    I'm new to this and have a couple of questions I'm hoping someone can help with.

    1/ I have downloaded from the original post a tool called ami.slic.tool.1.54. When I try to run ami tool I get an error. There are no mentions about another tool called mmtool. Do I need mmtool to do this?

    2/ Can I upgrade my bios before I blow my machine away or should I load win 7 first?

    3/ Do I load the rom file on a disc or does the amitool burn the rom?

    4/ Where do I put the slp files, I know they are used as part of the rom burn, but should I have some files to put somewhere on teh OS?

    peace and MTFBWU:)
  20. anonymousflip

    anonymousflip MDL Novice

    May 7, 2011
    Thanks for the tool.

    Been reading over this stuff for weeks and now that finals are over, just now had the time to try it.

    I was wondering, I noticed that the SLICs and Certs are from 2009, will this cause an issue with the newer motherboards, or has nothing really changed that would make it an issue? Excuse my ignorance, I'm quite a noob at this.