I too would like the search icon gone but it appears you are force feed search with bing at least the bam full screen can be resized and remembered. The task view is a too new an idea for me yet to decide and I will keep it and try it more before dismissing and scrapping that. It may prove handy having 2x the monitors than you really have. Kind of like that concept but will not know until it is explored more. It is like grouping appz on the task bar and if you work with multi appz open at the same time grouping them may help? Like the default no bezel (boards) around windows Like wheel mouse follows pointer not keyboard the most ....... long time in the coming. Classic start menu 10 will probably come and then it will control and have what M$ does not. Regards
The Search/Task View comes back after restart when following instructions from this video. All you need to do is run hide.exe. Then, Search/Task View disappears again.
Do you know how stupid you sound when you berate people who voice complaint over a lack of choice? Complete idiot.
start menu is stupid and the search is also it's like adding a power button to the task bar there is just no need
We have a winner in the race to who can become an idiot the fastest. Ok that being said the search function in the start menu is associated with the immersive search functionality. I could kill it but I'd rather not take apart the explorer.exe or shell32.dll
About the Search button: I agree that it doesn't make a lot of sense for mouse/keyboard users as they expect this functionality to be integrated in the Start menu and not in two different places, being backed by Cortana or not. On the other hand, if they really want to do away with the Charms, this button suddenly makes sense for touch devices because it makes it easier to get to the Search functionality with just one tap. Maybe it shouldn't be there when a keyboard is attached, just like the planned Back button. About the Task View button: I think it should be clear that this button is a little more than a fancier Alt-Tab. Alt-Tab is for iterating through all your running applications, and it's there for a long time, but the Task View button is for iterating through multiple desktops. That's a bit of a difference since each virtual desktop is associated with its own set of applications, you can think of it like a multi-monitor system with only one physical monitor. I know, there are keyboard shortcuts to switch desktops, but having a button helps a lot for non-keyboard affine users and discovering the feature in the first place. Maybe it should be optional. I think it's more of an enterprise feature anyways, casual users might already be too overwhelmed by the concept.
Welcome to the internet suck it up. You came here to be both mocked n helped sarcastically at the same time. Now that I'm sufficiently bored and intoxicated on this Halloween I'll look into disabling it for you. But of course in the mean time you could take a hex editor to explorer.exe and shell32.dll
BEST FIX EVER! UNINSTALL WINDOWS 10 PREVIEW AND USE WINDOWS 8/8.1/7/Vista or whatever and don't complain about something that isn't really performance breaking, it will more likely be option, Search will be replaced with Cortana, many might find it useful, Task view will be hide-able... The preview is not intended for you clearly.
@Mrox2 is that the best advice you can give ? you are missing the point here we are test driving windows 10
small simple program that all you need to do is add a delay in task. 3s is enough.. or leave it/them alone- not really an issue... @Mrox2 the old usb 3.0 box i added for Windows 7 was a iffy at best, in Windows 8 -> 8.1.3 - I had from 10 to 15 MB speed, so Windows 10 I was not expecting crap, but WOW several went to 40MB and a couple went to 80MB. so it really is W.T.F. do you mean go backwards. you do sound like a XP Lover to me.
WAT? I hate XP, I've seen it everywhere, if I see it once more I will puke, I refuse to use outdated products, but I'm a Vista lover, did you even read my sig??
@Mrox2, you really need to get over yourself, you're really not "all that". In short, if you have nothing constructive to add to a given conversation, STFU.
f off, no one talked to you, clearly the build itself has a feedback app, use it, dont complain here, removing it wont do anything but break it further, just use Windows 8 if you dont like it or dont want to contribute to its development, and who are you to tell me to "shut the f**k up" anyway? please have some manners first.
One question remains: How could this be considered on-topic ? In case it's your best advice, i must agree to the suggestion to better stay off.
I beg to differ the thread's Original Post was the removal of the Search pane from the task bar. Now if you have nothing to offer in making it happen please do not comment. At the present time there is no clean way to disable it from the task bar but I'll keep looking into it as my week has been a bit jam packed