Right Click This PC --> Properties --> Advanced System Settings --> Hardware --> Device Installation Settings Select "No let me choose what to do" Select "Never install driver software from windows update" Click Save Changes Regards, jj
Doesn't work, unfortunately. In 9926, the explorer.exe WU functionality has been deprecated, and while the gui component has been removed from the Control Panel, the rest of the GUI remains where you found it above. You can select "never install driver" and save the changes...but nothing actually happens... As soon as I had tried what you suggested (last week) 9926 again tried to downgrade my videocard driver... What works for me, sort of, is to "undeprecate" the CtrlPnl WU function so that WU via the ctrl Panel works again (a couple of registry changes that I can't recall at the moment.) Then, you "check for updates" using the ctrl-pnl WU icon and when the wrong driver is again presented to you for install, you right-click it and select "Hide Update." Important: this will only work when you use the ctrl-panel version of WU; if you use the settings/update & recovery/check for updates version you *cannot* hide updates and they are installed whether you like it or not. Caveat: this worked once for me; but later Win10 tried to install the wrong driver--again--and I had to hide it again and then reinstall the proper driver. SO this is something Microsoft simply needs to fix. The old, explorer.exe WU code worked perfectly--why they had to change that beats me.
yes they keep giving me new amd video driver that has issues with some programs. so i have to keep rolling back to old driver when they update. i looked on feedback im not the only person with this problem i guess we just wait till they sort it out