Okay so now you suggest me to delete the Office 2010 and The 2016 with FixIt-Tool and then install Office from "Current/Retail"-channel, but sorry for this Question from where I download this Office ? do you mean through O2016RTool or from somewhere else ?
As am also looking to have a License Office 365 ... from where I get it with "Current/Retail"-channel ?
Yes. O2016RTool is able to download and install all versions from all official available distribution channels. If you prefer an Image then you can get one direct from Microsoft. See this post for links/URLs. Once a "Current/Retail"-package was downloaded by O2016RTool you can select "Office 365 Professional" for installation. It's the next install option after "Office 2016 Professional". Please look in readme.pdf for enabling disabling Office products. Or you take an O365-Retail-Image direct from Microsoft. See above for links/URLs.
Does anyone know how to disable the First things first window? Everytime I startup Word I need to accept one of the options before I can continue....really annoying. OS: Win 7 x64 Office 2016 VL x64
As Enthousiast said, it should never return, once one of the options was selected and accepted. Just for couriosity: Did you use (T) Disable Telemetry in O2016RTool? Whats the value (0 or 1) of "shownfirstrunoptin" in registry trees: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\General HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\General Value 0 = Window "First things first" was not already shown Value 1 = "First things first" was shown and should not further be displayed
I did but I keep seeing it for some reason. The first one has a value of 1 There is no folder Office in HKey_Local_Machine under Software\Policies\Microsoft I did not use the O2016RTool
The first one (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\General) containing a value of 1 is correct. This means "don't show again". No idea, why it won't work. Update: You tried as "restricted user account" or as "user with admin rights"? The second one will be created, when O2016RTool's (T) Disable Telemetry function is used. To all: But O2016RTool won't help here, as I've made a misinterpretation (show <> shown) and set this to "0". This will be corrected in the next release.
Now I have problem while install the Office through O2016RTool that once I select the current version ( any version ) It's show me this error ( Couldn't Install ): We're Sorry, but we cannot verify the signature of files requested to install your office product... see attachment please.
In attachment / screenshot there are some very strange characters in the files DATE field shown. Could be the case, your download is somehow corrupted? Anyway, I'm just downloading Current/Retail channel install package und report back how install is going... Update: Download finished, install is running fine atm. No errors. Update: Install, conversion and activation finished. No errors. All is working as expected. I suggest to redo download. If this doesn't help, then the next step is using FixIt-Tool to completely remove all Office traces. I'm sure - if the download is correct -, that after using FixIt-Tool setup will work.
Well I have do that, and completely remove the Office from my PC, but still give me this error when I download the current Office Business or whatever version,.. Shall I change the directory of the office where I install it or what should I do ? please help am stuck in this downloading since 3 days!
Strange. OK here are some tips: - O2016RTool should be extracted/saved in dir "O2016RTool". But other dir-name is fine, too. - Office download-dir-name should have no special characters, brackets or german Umlauts. You didn't reply to the "strange" characters in date-field shown in your file attachment/screenshot. Are they still there? To me it looks like this indicates there is something wrong on your system.
16.0.8201.2025 is Insider SLOW Ring - Insider FAST has 16.0.8117.1000 As I don't know, you have to ask Microsoft why Insider SLOW has newer version than Insider FAST.
Well finally it's work now, I have remove the old O2016RTool and download it again, also I have mention there is a new version of ( First release of current build ) 16.0.8201.2025 ( Capture ) After install it it's works fine now, but the issue now with older files of excel it's not working !! how could I convert it to the latest version of Excel ? ( Catpure_2 )
I think you mixed up Office "distribution channels" and "versions / build-numbers". Officially there exist 5 distribution channels which have different feature sets. Each channel contains all known Office versions, such as ProfessionalPlus, Office 365, Office 365 Business and so on. O2016RTool checks all 5 channels at start if there is a new build available. But you have to know which channel you are using. If there is a new version for your channel, then you can start internal update or download a new installation package of this new version for a later install. Now I list "distribution channels" descending by feature set, showing channel with newest updates first: Insider Fast ( = Insider / Beta FAST channel, faster updates and newest feature improvements , 2-3 updates a month) First Release for Current ( = Insider / Beta SLOW channel, slower updates and feature improvements, 1-2 updates a month ) Current ( = Retail channel, that's the standard channel, 1 update a month ) First Release for Deferred ( = Business used Beta-/test-channel, slower update periods > every 2 months ) Deferred ( = Business used, slowest updates > every 4 months, has the least feature set ) I told you to install "Current", because this is standard channel with standard update and feature set. Now it looks like you installed "First Release for Current". As shown in list above, this is BETA-channel. You can stay with Office from a Beta-channel. But I still suggest, you should move over to "Current" channel. This will be the best mixture of stability and feature set. You can change an already installed Office to use an other distribution channel with O2016RTool. Just select (U) CHANGE OFFICE UPDATE-PATH (SWITCH DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL) and enter "C" for switching to "Current" channel. After confirming change, O2016RTool starts downloading Office from selected channel and installs.