I can confirm that latest tool version still fails to activate on latest Insider build. Just reinstalled Office365 Insider because Windows Search is acting up here as well (doesn't index mail, incorrect permissions on search folder) -> activation failed -> going for tokens now... This Windows Insider build 17093 certainly has some issues, but that's part of the deal. ^^ EDIT: And again, after rebuilding tokens.dat/cache.dat -> no problems at conversion and activation. EDIT 2: Just had a look at Eventlog. At the time activation failed, I get a lot of entries from Security-SPP. ~15 entries are the same: Code: Ausführliches HRESULT. Zurückgegebenes hr=0xC004F022, Ursprüngliches hr=0x80049E00 Detailed HRESULT. Returned hr=..., original hr=... In between there's one other: Code: Vom Regelmodul wurde ein Fehler bei der VL-Aktivierung gemeldet. Ursache: 0xC004E015 AppId = 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663, SkuId = d450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64 Trigger=TimerEvent Error reported by regulatory module during VL-activation. Cause: 0xC004E015 Event-ID was 8233 -> you get some search results on that. That's a reaction to KMS server activation, not conversion itself. Guess we'll have to wait for the next WinInsider build to know if MS changed something on purpose or if it's a bug in the current build.
Can anyone help me with this, please? I posted my issue with Office 2016 a few days ago and not gotten a response yet.
To avoid confusion. ->There exist only 5 public distribution channels named: Monthly Channel (Retail/RTM), Insider Channel (Insider FAST), Monthly Channel Targeted (Insider SLOW), Semi Annual Channel (Business Use), Semi Annual Channel Targeted (Business Insider). "devmain-channel" is non standard channel naming (mostly some Microsoft Internal Use Only channel). OfficeRTool will download and install Office 2019 from standard "Insider (FAST) channel".
But it also has a manual option where you can use internal ones. Previously, it took every version, now none. By default, there is no option to download Office 2019
Using manual override for distribution channel to use "unknown" or "MS internal use only channels" works as usual. but there is a check for Office 2019 that source channel is Insider (FAST). Code: line 962: if "%installtrigger%" EQU "5" if "%o16channel%" EQU "InsiderFast" ((set "of19install=1")&&(goto:InstallExclusions)) If you would like to use a non-standard channel, you could edit line 962 in OfficeRTool.cmd and remove channel check (if "%o16channel%" EQU "InsiderFast"). It must look like this: Code: line 962: if "%installtrigger%" EQU "5" ((set "of19install=1")&&(goto:InstallExclusions)) Then you are able to install Office 2019 even from non standard channels. Provided, that this SKU is present in downloaded setup package. But I still prefer to use OfficeRTool unmodified as is und take standard distribution channels for install to avoid any unwanted side-effects.
You are probably right. The ISO variant failed to install too, by the way. The installation worked after a reinstall of Windows. Thank you for the great toolkit.
from ReadMe.txt Spoiler - Convert Office 2016/2013 ClickToRun installation licensing from Retail to Volume - All current Office licenses will be cleaned up (to get rid of Trial/Grace stuff). then, proper Volume licenses will be installed based on detected office Products IDs - "MondoRetail" SKU include all products, if detected, only its licenses will be installed - If main SKUs are detected, separate sub-apps licenses will not be installed to avoid duplication Main SKUs: ProPlus, O365ProPlus, Professional, Standard, Visio, Project Sub-SKUs : Access, Excel, Onenote, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher, SkypeForBusiness, Word ProPlus, O365ProPlus cover all sub-apps Professional cover all sub-apps except SkypeForBusiness Standard cover all sub-apps except Access, SkypeForBusiness - O365ProPlus and Professional SKUs have no official VL licenses, so ProPlus ones will be used in that case - Note: This is not an activator, just a licensing converter [/QUOTE] I Got mine Like this "NO detected MS Office 2013/2016 " even if I have a MS Office 2013. My System is Win 10 Fall Creator Office 2013 Legal Retail.
Using the latest Feb12 rtool, installed insider 2019 on win19 17601 also fast ring. But cannot run activation check it just exits
Happend also to me, when I installed 2019 after 2016. After I used office uninstaller tool from MS and after clean instalation it was again working
to all who have problems installing/activating Office: Please look in post #4 and post #5 on first page of this thread for info/help. Specials: Activation problems on newest Windows Insider versions are not caused by OfficeRTool, but by W10 Insider license files. After recreating files tokens.dat / cache.dat (see post #5 - section KMS activation) activation works. Windows Retail version is working without problems, so it's a W10 Insider problem. And don't rely on Uninstall from Control Panel - Programs and Features! Always use Office FixIt-Tool (see post #4) to remove older/other Office before installing a new Office version. Be sure to follow recommended steps word by word! This is important, especially these 2 reboots are needed! This avoids problems when you install from other, non-standard distribution channels. Goal: Create a stable basement/ground before building the house.