's not like ratiborus invented the wheel. There's a good old MDL solution available: OFFICE C2R.
At first look it might seem so . Original isn't rocket science and in case of questions has a useful manual and nothing can beat the personal support from the dev. And @ratzlefatz does an amazing support for nearly 2 years now (despite some serious health issues lately) .
2019 don't released, because don't need show 2019. I think 2016 & 2019 and current moment use same files.
unknow. Today with a broken office - an application error when starting / removing / restoring ... will be try install and activate 15.0.5034.1000
ok I downloaded the OfficeRTool latest version and from insider fast channel i downloaded the office x64 bit .... this was downloaded "16.0.9320.2001_en-US_x64_InsiderFast" but now when i try to install it by giving 5 th option of office 2019 , it says package is not fast insider... what is this ? @s1ave77
Just done the same here and no error. Office 2019 was installed successfully. Others reported too, that Office 2019 install is working. Was an other Office (maybe from this old "Deferred Channel") installed before? If yes, then you must cleanup this Office trash from your system. Use MSFixIt-Tool for this (not normal uninstall). Please read post #4, section 5 and be sure to follow all recommended steps for using FixitTool.
yes ran the tool and rebooted twice , it nows days nothing left of microsoft office.. but again when i run the script it says i need to have insider fast package to install office 2019. previous download was 16.0.9320.2001_en-US_x64_InsiderFast now i am downloading and it says 16.0.9320.2001_en-US_x64_Insider_Channel