If i install this Office preview edition, i will be able to upgrade via office update to the oficial one? Or i need to unistall this one before install the oficial edition?
Not sure at the monment. But most probally you should uninstall the preview version before installing the offcial Version. But this is more simple than the reinstallation of OS.
Well, installed and activated office 2016 professional plus 4229.1017, including project 2016 from the twitter link posted by Wzor. Ratiborus tool converted it to VL version with couple of mouse clicks and automatically activated it. No idea what differs the Russians when it comes to conquering M$. Simply amazing.
Well, the most important differences are: - We load Office 2016 direct from official Microsoft Sources, not from twitter links. - We have support for the tools we created here at MDL. Ratiborus tools are supported where, from whom? - The Tools at MDL mostly are open-source batch-scripts. Fully visible to everone, not compiled exe binaries.
Mate The only reason I posted that is for educational purpose not for a who is better comparison. Jat device showed up some download errors for me multiple times so tried and found another solution from wzor who is having some reputation and yeah no one is downloading any MS products from twitter links. It is only a tool. Was never bothered about the support of this GUI app that worked flawlessly but that does not mean what you are doing here is comparable to that. You are doing a great job by supporting and helping others here plus trying to improve the batch scripts that is very important at least for now till the official release. Once again thank you very much for your time and effort
Can i install the programs separately? I mean, install just Word, Excell and Power Point 2016 without the rest of crap bundles (Skype for Business, One Drive for Business, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, Access, etc, etc.)?
Hi people! I'm having a problem here.. I downloaded Office 2016, controlled that everything went fine, I had Office 2013 installed, so uninstalled and apply every "fix" given in this forum, but I keep getting the next error CODE: s23. postimg. org /yu831wijf /Captura_de_pantalla_28.png sorry can't post links already
Now works like a charm. Awesome job. Btw, the activation method used here is for 180 days or permanent? If is 180 it's auto-kms? I've no thanks enough. Cheers
Hey there, installed Office 2016 ProPlus with JATDevice on Windows10 and it works like a charm!!! BIG THANKS to Slave77 & Co and Ratzlefatz for the installation guide! Now I wonder if I can use the OneDrive for business and if yes how to register for this service. Or do you recommend not to do this / or is it not possible? Thanks for your support!