Is there a way to permanently activate Office 2016 using O2016RTool? Like some scheduled task or anything?
sorry, no - OfficeRTool has no renewal automatism. If you want a "set-and-forget" KMS-activation renewal, then you must use some of the other KMS-solutions with auto-renewal (such as KMS_VL_ALL, KMSpico or Microsoft ToolKit). But it's not a big deal to manually renew within the 180days KMS period. Even if you renew at the very last day it will be ok. There are no restrictions in Office operation. And Office will tell you, that KMS-renewal is to be due. Then simply renew and 2 seconds later all is well again.
Not sure if my question has been answered . . . . I want to use C2R-R2V_6.7z on (PerpetualVL2019) . It is downloaded using MS (ODT) and VL-ready. The reason I ask is: It doesn't behave well with some KMS tools while a retail edition converted to VL will well behave even with some old KMS tools.
I installed and activated Office 2019 using KMS_VL_ALL_SppExtComObjPatcher auto renewal. I had Windows 10 in my machine activated previously using KMSPICO and running . Do I have to uninstall KMSPICO now or KMS_VL_ALL will bypass my Windows activation. Do I have to keep both running. Thanks.
I have downloaded O365ProPlusRetail.img As per instructions I will first install it then use "Retail to VL" then activate it using anyone "KMS_VL_ALL" tool to activate it. My question is: after activation, will I need Microsoft account (e.g. hotmail or outlook email address) to use Office365? I do not have any Microsoft account and I don't want to create new. I want Office365 for latest feature updates but if Microsoft account is needed, I will have to use Office2019. Please let me know whether I can use Office365 without any Microsoft account or not. Thank You. P.S. I'm on WIndows 10 (1809) x64
Don't you think it would have been faster to just try it after downloading O365ProPlusRetail.img? Anyway - No, you don't need MS-Account. (But keep in mind: With this kind of activation, you don't will get full access, to all Office365-features. And no - there is no other activation to get full access to all Office365-features. There is only an alternative for activation method: OfficeRTool)
please correct me if im wrong i can activate office 365 installed with OfficeRTool ...first I have to convert it to VL then use any kms tool
You are right. If conversion was done by OfficeRTool or by abbodi1406's tool (C2R-R2V), then you can use any KMS solution you like.
Hi @abbodi1406! First of all, thanks for your great work and help. I just installed Office2019 on Win10 and wanted to be clear if I did everything correct: 1. Downloaded official ProPlusRetail.img (2019) 2. I used your YAOCTRI tool to install ProPlus2019 Suite as well as Visio 2019 Pro and Project 2019 Pro. I used YAOCTRI instead of YAOCTRIR, right? I was wondering if this is correct, since the image file says "retail"? If I use YAOCTRI, then I don't need to convert using your C2R-R2V tool, right (even though the image says retail)? 3. Used OfficeRTool to KMS activate. All SKUs seem to be activated and ORT is telling me I have 179 days. So I guess it worked? Thanks!
@abbodi1406 Thank You for YAOCTRI. Can you tell more about disabling auto update option behavior? I have installed O365ProPlus Full Suite with Auto Update option Enabled. I can download updates in "Word -> Account -> Update" option, however once update starts, I cannot stop/pause it. I'm worried because in future office will automatically start update on metered internet connection. I want to know what is solution for this? One solution I can imagine is disabling Auto-Update while installing and using provided CMD command for manually installing updates on non-metered connection every month. Other solution is disabling auto-update in "Word -> Account -> Update -> Disable Auto Update". I don't know if this option will be ignored if I do not update office for more than one month? Please let me know which option will give me more control over updates and convenient for me?
Choice: Task scheduler Office Automatic Updates 2.0 Conditions network only selected network ("non-metered connection")
@Krakatoa Thanks. I will check that setting. @abbodi1406 Hmm. Once I manually started the update from "Word -> Accounts -> Update -> Update Now" I could not stop it even on metered connection. Update automatically starts even after PC restart. Maybe update does not stop because it is first installation from September ".img" file (more than one month of pending updates). BTW, What does "Force App Shutdown" option do?
Sometimes an open/active App can't be updated. This statement will autoclose/shutdown App during update process. If changed documents need to be saved, a dialogue will be shown.