[HOW-TO/SUPPORT/CHAT] OFFICE C2R Download/Install/Activation

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by s1ave77, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Fish

    Fish MDL Novice

    Jul 28, 2015
    #3102 Fish, Feb 1, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
    Let's say I have Office 2016 ProPlusRetail C2R and I want to convert it to a ProPlus 2016 volume license. Should I just use C2R-R2V_v4/v5? And if so, which one v4 or v5?
  2. geneticplasma

    geneticplasma MDL Senior Member

    May 13, 2011

    may it be possible to add option in OfficeRTool to Enable/Undo Telemetry settings?

    Thanks in advanve

  3. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Either will work, but v5 is better
  4. Fish

    Fish MDL Novice

    Jul 28, 2015
    Thanks, I was just seeking confirmation. Since, I also noticed what you said to somebody that you wouldn't recommend v5, as it was just for reference. But, I'm assuming that you said that in the context of people wanting to upgrade to Office 2019. While, I on the otherhand just want to stick with Office 2016.
  5. fkstabizler

    fkstabizler MDL Novice

    Oct 2, 2015
    #3106 fkstabizler, Feb 4, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
    I managed somehow, when I installed O365Pro+ that the new ribbon design and features are still available (except Cloud of course) after I converted to Mondo license and activate on one PC.

    But on any other PC, I am unable to reproduce.

    I start OfficeRTool, install Office365Pro+, start Word, Excel, Powerpoint... confirm O365+ license, abort the login window and Office365 with the new nice ribbon design show up. Than I start C2R-R2V and KMS_VL_ALL by abbodi1406 and when I start Office, I have to confirm Mondo 2016(?) license.

    The new ribbon design shows up for about 2-3 more starts and than... the old ribbon which stays forever.

    I have no idea, what I did different on one PC which is KMS Mondo license activated and still with the new great design. Anyone knows?
    It's kind of frustrating, because the new design have to be on the PC and there must be only a trigger to block the new design.


    Okay, I tested a little in VMware.
    I installed O365 on a clean Windows without internet.

    I started multiple times -> always old Ribbon
    ... so I connected to Internet and started Office Apps again multiple times -> new Ribbon
    ... I disconnect from Internet and started multiple times -> still new Ribbon
    now I started C2R-R2V still without internet and started Apps multiple times -> always new Ribbon
    and connected back to the internet and started the Apps again and again -> always new Ribbon

    The last step I was expecting to see the old Ribbon again, but I am wrong. It's so confusing!
    But fact one: the new Ribbon shows up through a internet check of the installed version.

    One other theory, on the VMware I don't use a Microsoft Account, there is the Log In button. On my main PC, my name shows up. But... the one PC where new Ribbon also works, I use with Microsoft Account.

    Does anyone know how this Design/Feature check works? Maybe it's possible to let Office check once for O365 features and block the check, so it won't turn "old" again, without losing the Online Office features (like Exchange)?

    At least, I have no idea, whats going on.
  6. Ian Cruz

    Ian Cruz MDL Novice

    Feb 5, 2019
    if i clicked on the kmvs_all icon on the dowload it just shows a window for brief moment then it closes, i still need the product key when using office and the activate windows watermark is still here windows defender firewall is off and i dont have any antivirus installed
  7. Oneill83

    Oneill83 MDL Novice

    Nov 23, 2013
    THX for all.
  8. archangeliques

    archangeliques MDL Member

    May 2, 2017
    I'm aware of what I have and what file name is, thanks for reclarifying it anyway. :)

    Is it possible to activate Retail via KSM without using C2R-R2V?

  9. fkstabizler

    fkstabizler MDL Novice

    Oct 2, 2015

    So it's controlled by telemetry registrys?

    On the same vmware try I did not change any settings or registry. Today I booted the vmware again:

    Internet is connected, I started Word again -> now old Ribbon, started multiple time -> still old Ribbon

    I disabled Internet and started Powerpoint multiple times -> always new Ribbon

    I reenable Internet and started Powerpoint multiple times again -> now always old Ribbon

    So today my expectation are fulfilled with step 5, that the old Ribbon will be loaded after changing License and enable internet what did not happen yesterday...

    Still one thing for sure: Something is checking on internet and decide to load new or old Ribbon, but the way when and why is completly random.
    Anyone knows the details and how to avoid switching back to old Ribbon?

    Sorry for my first world problem, but it's something I am really interested in.
  10. Windows_Addict

    Windows_Addict MDL Expert

    Jul 19, 2018
    You can directly install O2019 (Retail) as VL with YAOCTRI (easy way) or learn to use ODT.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    No, KMS = Volume licenses

    you need C2R-R2V or YAOCTRI
  12. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    yes, telemetry is key part

    Office 365 features are randomly working without actual Office 365 subscription
  13. Xeruvim

    Xeruvim MDL Novice

    Jul 31, 2009
    Installing Office 2016 Mondo with the update channel Dogfood :: DevMain id=EA4A4090-DE26-49D7-93C1-91BFF9E53FC3 installs the notorious new ribbon and it does not switch to the old ribbon, although the icons in the new ribbon Project 2016 Professional (Mondo) still have the old look, but I think it's a matter of time, rather in the future with the new builds it will be fixed.
  14. JumpyJim

    JumpyJim MDL Junior Member

    Aug 29, 2013
    #3116 JumpyJim, Feb 8, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
    I converted with C2R-Retail2Volume and activated via KMS_VL_ALL, and these are all activated under Mondo 2016 - great and thanks.

    I see 365 specific features like "Morph" is present in PowerPoint, but is it possible to get the Excel intelligence "ideas" working with Mondo?

    EDIT: Tried several channel types but got the Ideas function by using OfficeRTool to change channel to Monthly_Channel_Targeted (Office Insider SLOW).
  15. polford

    polford MDL Novice

    Jul 31, 2009
    Hey Guys,

    got Office 2019 Pro Plus now installed and activated, after some try&error. Anyway, Local KMS Activation done with latest Office RTool. Is there any way to automatically re-activate with RTool or anything else after the 180 day period? I mean it's no biggy running RTool manually again, but if its possible to automate this process it'd be great.

    Thanks for any help,

  16. JumpyJim

    JumpyJim MDL Junior Member

    Aug 29, 2013
    KMS_VL_ALL as a scheduled task.
  17. geneticplasma

    geneticplasma MDL Senior Member

    May 13, 2011
  18. fkstabizler

    fkstabizler MDL Novice

    Oct 2, 2015
    #3120 fkstabizler, Feb 11, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
    Interesting... I tried several times and obviously got an error, because it trys to activate online. After pressing repair it crash and than... "worked"(?) and said, I can use until 11th february. So... today...
    After several restartings, I have back the new Ribbon, but the license still says Mondo 2016 (which is propably good, because for Auto KMS). Is this correct?
    What is this key you posted?

    And I don't understand the regedit tutorial for the new Ribbon. Before the new Ribbon, excel said at Expires: int64_t|1549898064
    Now it has the new Ribbon and it says: int64_t|1549916605

    So... when I put this in a Unix time converter, I should have the new Ribbon for about.... one hour from now on รด.o

    wtf is wrong with Microsoft.


    I was able to reproduce it on another PC. First try -> error, I had to click repair -> successful activation until "today". Starting programs several times and -> new Ribbons.

    I started Check-Activation-Status.cmd by abbodi1406 and there are now 2 entrys. The first says:
    LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16O365ProPlusR_Grace edition
    LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 16, RETAIL(Grace) channel
    BETA EXPIRATION: 01.01.1601
    ERROR CODE: 0xC004F009
    ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired.
    Last 5 characters of installed product key: VMFTK
    the second is the activated Mondo License.

    So maybe the program is now fooled, thinking to be an O365, but activated with other license?
    If that is the solution... sure, why not :)

    I will see if I still have the new Ribbons for tomorrow. Thank you very much.