Yeah, my computer is a complete mess (my fault), someday I will format it and then I'll try to install 2016 again (maybe Windows 10 too, I don't know if it's game friendly). Thank you very much for your help and patience.
hi I have genuine windows 10 home edition permanently activated, i installed a microsoft office 2013 copy over it , which was not activated... I ran the KMS_VL_ALL_6.5 activator by mistake on it and the output was that it cannot find Office 2016 but what happened is that microsoft office 2013 has been activated !! How this happened? can anyone tell ?
Can you paste this line and try with parenthesis in folder name ? REM (NET FILE||(powershell start-process -WorkingDirectory '%o2016rtoolpath%' -FilePath '%f0' -verb runas)&&(exit /B)) >NUL 2>&1 @ratzlefatz, It would be better if you link the tool in your signature; would be easy for you not link in most posts and also for users to find The powershell method seems to be hit or miss kind of thing, that's the reason I stuck with vbs file method, though ugly atleast it works flawlessly everywhere
'%f0' doesn't work. The original line '%0' does work and O2016Tool is started with admin rights. The flaw is, that "start-process" seems to have problems with "special characters" such as brackets () and "umlauts" in folder name. Space is ok. Makes sense. Will think about it.
This was indeed the problem; z:\ was mapped as a network drive for the current user. The script runs as admin. I re-defined it using net use z: \\server-name\Share-name /p:y from an administrator command prompt and the script then worked fine.
Quick post: Using August 30th beta, vnext downloaded but installer wouldn't generate correctly. Returned an error (didn't write it down, was late last night for me). Will try and find again later. Webdownload worked correctly and installed. Also language packs listed above worked correctly as instructed. Quick note, if you're signed into a microsoft account when installed, it will be auto-logged in when you run office for the first time.
From what I can see, O2016RTool installs it's own KMS emulator. How about making it possible to just install and convert, but not mess around with which KMS emulator to use? (In case there is a KMS on the network, and DNS for it is set) - or the option to define another host than localhost?
@ ratzlefatz & Slave.... You guys are prodigees mate. Worked & activated like a charm. Thanks a ton. Have a good 1.