It didn't work. I got the error: Could not detect Office ClickToRun service... when running the C2R-R2V script. I don't believe they were UWP apps as I checked the Microsoft Store and they were not listed under installed. I ended up downloading ProPlusRetail.img, using C2R-R2V and KMS_VL_ALL . Only thing I don't like is how the ProPlusRetail.img installs the entire office suite. I just wanted Word and Excel. So I removed the rest of the junk after activation.
Hi, m getting error with Office RT tool "no response from office content delivery system. check internet connection and/or channel ID" However, Am connected to internet.
Antivirus software is blocking download module (wget.exe). Create exceptions in AV. What to exclude see this post ->
Hi, in the original post, first page, the guide: section 1) D - DOWNLOAD OFFICE OFFLINE INSTALL PACKAGE Set new Office Package download path or press return for DownloadPath="not set" >c:\test This is where Office RT tool downloaded and saved the files. After installation, can I delete the files contained in that folder? Can I delete the folder? thank-you for your help
If you are short of harddisk space: Yes you can delete folder. After local installation is finished succesfully, files are not needed anymore. And you can always download them again if you need a new installation package.
my office installed using this method (posts 1 onwards etc) has been working fine for a week or more but just now im getting errors and no office products will open "the code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program will fix this problem. same error with MSVCP140.DLL running as administrator gives same error. all ive done is try to install adobe shockwave player to be able to view a load of old swf files i had. dunno if thats anything to do with it? ive searched on here but that problem is related to a win 10 update/problem dunno if i should start a new thread cheers
problem solved i did a bit of googling and was told to update Visual C++ 2015 or repair but it wasnt listed in my apps/control panel. so i did a repair on the next one 2017 and that worked. ill leave the above post as is so as to help any posters who have same problem and do a search on here.
Hello, I have a few of questions: 1) why someone could choose the VL ISO classic version instead of C2R version? 2) what C2R "channel" (monthly, insiders, etc.) version do you prefer and why?
hi ! nice tool ! i got an office install problem, freeze at 29% on a fresh windows 10 rl 1909 i uses all tips on "Causes for Office install errors" and try to remove any office install with fixit tool. i used single apps installation for word/excel/powerpoint/publisher with Install method C or S. same result, freeze at 29% someone with the same problem ? edit1 = i download succesfully 16.0.12228.20364_fr-FR_x64_Monthly_Channel edit2 = i tried to full Office Suite for install with exclusion list, freeze at 30% strange !
did you already install your printer before installing Office? If so uninstall your printer and try again.
no printer, only win10 rls 1909 and C2R, by default skype and Onenote are available, may be root cause ? in the futur i realize more test in vm, with new fresh win10 install thx for your answer
ok its work fine, it was a problem with step 1 donwload img, files was not good. i tried with official img retail office2016proplusretail, and install, conversion retail to VL and KMS activation work fine.
Windows 7 64 bit on a virtual machine. OfficeRtool and Office 16.0.11328.20492_it-IT_x86_Semi_Annual_Channel offline package. Today I tried to install Office 2016 32 bit: - I selected "ODT" - I selected "Word" and "Excel" The result was that I had a perfect running Office 2019 32 bit (not 2016!) on my machine. I deleted that virtual machine and making other tests but now I cannot have the same result. Anyway I have some questions: - How I can have using OfficeRtools Office 2019 64 bit on my Windows 7 64 bit? - If choose Pro Plus (not single apps) and then I install only Word and Excel, how I will in the future add Powerpoint or other? I have to overwrite Word and Excel or just select the install of Powerpoint? - For Windows 7 64 bit (and also for Win10) do you advice 32 bit or 64 bit of Office 2019?
Office 64bit on Windows 64bit is no problem. Just install using either "OfficeClick2Run" or "ODT setup.exe" in OfficeRTool, ProPlus is Full Suite. You always must specify in every install which modules from Full Suite to use. So select Excel, Word (they get overwritten) and Powerpoint. But in such cases (only 1-3 Office Apps) I suggest to install Single Apps (not Full Suite with exclusions). So you can simply add / remove a new Single App (ex. PowerPoint) when needed. I always install Office according to Operating System bitness = 32bit Windows/32bit Office - 64bit Windows/64bit Office
But I mean Office 2019 64 bit on "Windows 7" 64 bit. It is possible with OfficeRtool? With "C2R" I obtain nothing, the installation window with close itself. With "ODT" I obtain: "You need Windows 10". Help.