Thank you. This doesn't work :-( - Can it work? The thing is i think... the .ini is not the problem or hpw to say it in english ^^ there you can't say "start YAOCTRIR-Installer.cmd minimized or somthing like this" Am i right or? Hope you know what i mean.
I use YAOCTRI not YAOCTRIR, because i activate it by KMS anyway. I also use office 2019 pp, downloaded by YAOCTRU. Running another test.
Try it under windows like i do. Normally it will appear the CMD-Window and in your case the Office-Windows too, because you have the DisplayLevel=True. I have it on False and in my case it opens only the CMD-Window. The thing is i think, in your case Office installs before you get into the Windows-Desktop (during the Win-Installation-Setup). In my case i have a Program that installs all Progs (see the Screenshot) and this will start when i log into Windows. So you will not see your Office-Installation like i do.
You said you had it integrated in the ISO, i assumed it was properly integrated by installing it in setupcomplete stage, the cmd window can't be hidden when running it manually after windows is installed (afaik).
@Qu1goN Add this line at the top of that batch script, it will show a flick of cmd window and then it will be hidden. You can use vbs method to make it completely hidden but that it slightly messy method. Some AV's may detect such attempts to hide cmd window as malicious though. Code: @powershell -window hidden -command "" To make it minimized, Code: @powershell -window minimized -command ""
@Enthousiast siast It is in my SetupComplete but a little different. See the Code. @Windows_Addict Which batch? This is my SetupComplete.cmd - a small example from me to test the Office-Installation (see the code). Hidden will help and will be better then now. completely hidden will be perfekt, but i have no plan what you mean with vbs and how to do this :-( Can you put this what is needed in my code for me please? Code: @echo off REM Modified by Addonkopierer - START REM Windows-Version=x64 for %%x in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%x:\sources\install.wim set DVD=%%x: start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "LogonUI" "1-LogonUI.cmd" "" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "Office19" "YAOCTRIR-Installer.cmd" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "VBCRedist" "VBCRedist.exe" "/VERYSILENT /LANG=de" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "RegTweaks" "3-RegTweaks.cmd" "" "Installiere_Addons" REM Modified by Addonkopierer - ENDE del /q /f "%0"
This is my setupcomplete (cleanup and windows pre-settings are done by MRP): Code: @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
This is ok and i have a iso with this method and it is the same. only i have the YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd but its the same line.
@Qu1goN In post logon installation, use call command as @Enthousiast showed you, and it will be executed in the same window, you can suppress the output with 1>nul 2>nul Code: call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd" 1>nul 2>nul and add that PowerShell command in the script to hide the window which is being used to call other scripts and tools. That should be enough to make it hidden.
It's hidden as i showed, even with displaylevel=true (with displaylevel=false, it didn't install office in my tests earlier tonight).
This quote tells it is not done properly: iirc from @abbodi1406 then it will always show the cmd. I am talking about the usage of yaoctri how it's intended to be used, afaik.
If you start it under Windows, as I already mentioned, you can see if and what opens. Just because you can't see it because office was already installed for you before logging in, it doesn't mean that no windows were opened. I'm doing a video to show it. The CMD-Window will always start but with DisplayLevel=True = you will see the Office-Windows during installation DisplayLevel=False = you will not (so you see only the CMD-Window mentioned above)
I know, but why don't you use it the way it's supposed to work? As I said before, the cmd window will be shown by default when yaoctri(r) is used, how to hide it is not related to the INI. And why are you crossposting, that's confusing. ps, i added some more info to my previous post.