Check my GiFs, it doesn't seem to matter when it is installed at the correct time, before you logon. The other stuff you can run whenever you want. to hide it is not related to the INI... - I know yet that is what tryed to tell with my bad english hehe...And why are you crossposting, that's confusing.... Hope this will help to understand: This is what i am talking about - shure, you can say i it doesn't matter, and in this case for me it is ok too. I have also used this method so far. Problem in this method is, i have always to make a iso and make a Stick with Rufus so updates will try longer - it is not flexible. I try Addonkopierer and make me a folder with all folders in it (windows folders and files + progs folder etc. + install.wim). Its easy to update. If a new Program comes i copy and paste it in the Prog folder - Windows update is easy too... only start ntlite choose the folder and and update (no need to make new iso or something). You can have it on your USB-Stick no need to make everytime a updated iso and make Stick with rufus. Hope you undersand what i mean - sorry for my bad english But in this Method all installations starts, when log into windows. You can look prog for prog how it is been installed. All my Progs will be installed silent and there is no Windwos that will open. Only the Office... that open the cmd-Window ^^ I also want this one minimized or invisible - then it will be perfekt
@Qu1goN you are using external program ROExAdd64.exe to launch the installation check if the program have parameters to hide programs or run Office installation normally the last one Code: cmd /c ""%DVD%\Addons\OfficeC2R\YAOCTRIR-Installer.cmd" "
@abbodi1406 Thx. Unfortunately I do not know the parameters for the external program. I just tested it under a running Windows. The CMD window is displayed. With cmd / c it should close immediately after starting yaoctri, right? Installing it normally is just not what I want. Sure, it's the last option (then it should at least run minimized). I would prefer to leave it with the external program. Then it is uniform and you can see what is currently being installed, when it is finished and when the next one is started.
@abbodi1406 no YAOCTRI is Windows Command Script, it will always need hosting cmd window setupcomplete.cmd already run in hidden cmd window if you call YAOCTRI directly it will also run hidden in the same window
Did you mean so? Then I'll test how it works. Code: @echo off REM Modified by Addonkopierer - START REM Windows-Version=x64 for %%x in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%x:\sources\install.wim set DVD=%%x: start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "LogonUI" "1-LogonUI.cmd" "" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "VBCRedist" "VBCRedist.exe" "/VERYSILENT /LANG=de" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "RegTweaks" "3-RegTweaks.cmd" "" "Installiere_Addons" cmd /c ""%DVD%\Addons\YAOCTRIR-Installer.cmd" " REM Modified by Addonkopierer - ENDE del /q /f "%0" I think when Yaoctri starts, a window will open - but lets test.
Maybe just call yaoctrir in setupcomplete.cmd and do the other stuff when you want it to run, forget office showing to be installed by that exe entirely and all will be installed without showing up.
Shure i know- i try this - if I can't find a solution then I use this method. I continue testing because i want let it install with the exe.
Great job Abbodi1406. This week, YAOCTRU_Generator.cmd stopped working on Windows 7 x64. Windows 10 x64 is ok.
Hi. I have Office 2019 installed in Jan 2020. However Windows Security On Windows 10 Pro 1909 removed the OInstall from the windows directory, and office 2019 needs to be activated again. I installed Office 2013-2019 C2R Install and rang it again but it comes up with this error. ---=== Office 2013-2019 C2R Install v7.0.4 ===--- ---Processing-------------------------- --------------------------------------- ERROR CODE: 0x80041017 ERROR DESCRIPTION: Run the following: cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0x80041017 --------------------------------------- ---Exiting------------------------- I have uninstall Office and re stalled it and tried to convert it to VL , but now it won't. How can I activate it. Please Help. Thanks in advance. PS also tried Office 2016 as well. Same problem.
YAOCTRU v7 - Implemented workaround to enable TLS 1.2 on Windows 7 to allow online version check thanks to @Enthousiast for testing , @JOAOP for notifying - Implemented new URL text generation method (temp_aria2.txt, temp_wget.txt, temp_curl.txt) thanks to @BAU