Always use the latest (v39) if not specifically pointed to use an earlier version. For O365 kms_vl-all activated, yes, iirc.
@Enthousiast I was able to use all tools correctly... Just that the many versions of Office are confusing at first. As always, thanks for your help. Just in case someone else has a similar question: Within a VM, I checked with an O365 install. I logged in using a subscription account, and the extra features in Excel showed up. So, a login is required.
oh I do it very differently for example i would only use single appz the advantage is that you can uninstall individual components or add new ones
Anyone can help me to find Office 2016 MSI? Downloaded the one by november_rain but can't be updated (either from WU or WHD). I assumed that's causing by unmatched version or something else. Thanks before!
Use wsus offline update to generate office 2016 update iso ( iso with update for office 2016 only ) Apply this office 2016 iso to all post Contain office 2016 reboot and retry
hello , if you can give me some advice: tried o365+visio+project, in account window it says 'no licence', need to activate mondo2016 ! here is what I have done: computer is win8.1 home x64, all scripts used age about ~2weeks - YAOCTRU_Generator.cmd has created 16.0.13328.20292_x64_fr-FR_Monthly_aria2.bat - this file 16... has downloaded sources in a C2R_monthly folder - inside this folder: YAOCTRI_Configurator.cmd created an .ini file (opt 2) for microsoft 365 enterprise, I added projectpro 2019, visio pro 2019, one drive and teams (production version) - then ran YAOCTRI_installer.cmd - and finally kms_vl_all with options inside for: .office only (ActWindows=0), .disable R2V (AutoR2V=0), .autorenewal (weekly), didn't change anything else (kms wont disable telemetry for o365 even if set to true, right?) I didn't see error message, then opening word for example it says there is no licence. (tried o2016 before, was ok) note: windows defender (win8.1) was running but I don't see exception for SppExtComObjHook.dll nor the file in system32 maybe for 365 I have to connect with an account or maybe there is smthg else to do on win8.1? should I uninst everythg... thank you EDIT: just re-ran kms script! Spoiler: log Running KMS_VL_ALL_AIO v39 Activation Mode: Auto Renewal Windows activation is OFF... Activating: Office 19, Office19ProjectPro2019VL_KMS_Client_AE edition Product Activation Successful Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes) Activating: Office 19, Office19VisioPro2019VL_KMS_Client_AE edition Product Activation Successful Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes) Activating: Office 16, Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client edition Product Activation Successful Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes) No Installed Office 2010 Product Detected... ____________________________________________________________ Make sure to exclude this file in the Antivirus protection. C:\WINDOWS\System32\SppExtComObjHook.dll ok! thank you don't know what happened...