MS Toolkit 2.6 beta 1 crashes when attempting to convert the files (extracted from the RTM .iso) to volume channel.
How to do: 1 - Install from ISO 2 - Don't start Office 3 - Start O2016RTool and do [C] CONVERT VNEXT AND WEB OFFICE TO VOLUME 4 - Then do [K] START KMS ACTIVATION 5 - Start Word 6 - If Window with "enter product key" is shown, enter nothing, simply close Window with [X] 7 - Agree to license agreement 8 - Check Menu -> File -> Account = Office is activated
O16RTool and MSDN Office 2016 dual-bitness media Worked just as neat as you please (MSDN Office 2016 installed on legal Windows 10 Pro - Office is x32, though 10 Pro is x64; supposedly, though Office ISO is dual-media, x32 is installed by default). Question - how do you install x64 version of O2016 instead? (I prefer application bitness and OS bitness to match where possible.) Answer - Run setup64.exe from the \office folder of the mounted media (can be burned DVD, USB, or mounted ISO image) - conversion to VL still works the exact same way. TIP - you can check that the license took in any Office application you installed - it doesn't HAVE to be Word. (In my case, I use Outlook for the check, since I normally use it at least as often as Word.) REMINDER - O2016RTOOL is bitness-neutral - it will work the same way on both x32 and x64 retail and MSDN versions of Office 2016 (MSDN versions are dual-bitness).
Tried to use MTK 2.6b1 to activate it after having converted to VL with O2016RTool but MTK didn't see any office programs. O2016RTool activated it fine.
The conversion of the current Office 2016 RTM Build 16.0.4266.1003 is necessary to Volume Edition ??? the information from MSDN mentions that is Retail / Volume attempt to activate over the kms server
i just install the en_office_professional_plus_2016_x86_x64_dvd_6962141.iso from wzt and activated ,when i looked at the account, i saw the version change to 16.0.4229.1024
I just installe office 2016 on my Windows 10 installation with O2016RTool. Installed VNext ProPlus version and activated with internal KMS. Now I got a red warning in windows update saying some update option is controlled by organization... and it fails to download a flash update for IE10. Dunno if it was related or not. EDIT: flash update kb3087040 fails by itself. If I manually download and install it goes well.
1) Installed retail iso nl_office_professional_plus_2016_x86_x64_dvd_6966589 (x64 setup) on windows 10 rtm KMS activated. 2) Used O2016RT to convert to VL. 3) Office activated but something weird happens with activation information: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus. - the first activation information part should not be there