No, in all my tests (Full Suite, Visio, Project and Single Apps) it went through. Office will always be installed on drive C: - Enough space left?
hi, any idea? LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---UNLICENSED--- ERROR CODE: 0x80049E00 ERROR DESCRIPTION: Run the following: cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0x80049E00 Last 5 characters of installed product key: WFG99 Activation Type Configuration: ALL DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available Activation Interval: 120 minutes Renewal Interval: 10080 minutes KMS host caching: Disabled --------------------------------------- ERROR DESCRIPTION: An unknown error occurred. --------------------------------------- ---Exiting----------------------------- Thanks
hi ratlefatz, i've fresh install from ISO which converted from WU win_10 pro x64_10547_ESD w insider permanent act. office 2016 PP was installed via O2016RTool.cmd (admin) (Defender was off before hand) STEP: I --> Path detected iso --> installed --> C (successful VL)--> K -->> shown: Use internal O2016RTool KMS server (1/0)? >1 __________________________________________________________________ Activating Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition Activation failed __________________________________________________________________ end en_office_professional_plus_2016_x86_x64_dvd_6962141.iso match SHA-1 FixIt-Tool from post #4 has been done once. manually uninstall and install from cp has been done once. i tried ping (cmd) Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss) i guess this could be the issue. not sure. btw, i've tried KMS_VL_ALL_6.6.1; KMSpico_v10.1.7; jD.vXXXI all same. Thanks
I will build a test environment the same as yours and check. Will come back with the results later. Please give me a little time for that...
hi ratzlefatz, no worries. i appreciate your help . but, u dont have to do this. i will wait for the VL version out thanks
Can you please post Screenshots of KMS_VL_ALL output displayed in the official thread, so that I can find any issue ?
hi qewlpal & ratzlefatz, Defender was off, i run KMS_VL_ALL.cmd as admin: Program Started...Please Wait... Detected Windows is permanently activated. Attempting to Activate Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition Product Activation Successful Remaining Period: 180 days (259200 minutes) Detected Windows is permanently activated. exit. weird things comes along, after this i tried running O2016RTool.cmd as admin again. u know what, Use internal O2016RTool KMS server (1/0)? >1 __________________________________________________________________ Activating Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition Activation successful ____________________________ cmd check: LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel LICENSE STATUS: ---LICENSED--- REMAINING GRACE: 179 days (259198 minute(s) before expiring) Last 5 characters of installed product key: WFG99 Activation Type Configuration: ALL DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available Activation Interval: 120 minutes Renewal Interval: 10080 minutes KMS host caching: Disabled --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---Exiting----------------------------- funny
hhmm, really strange. But as you already mentioned Yes, hopefully Microsoft does deliver the real VL version and it will be day Oct, 01 when this happens.
I installed Office 2016 with your tool on my Windows 10 official, converted to VL and activated with internal activator. Does Windows Update not install update for office anymore? After 180 days do I need to manually repeat activation with your tool? Thanks for the info (and for the tool).