Hello everyone. I have successfully installed and activated (by O2016RTool) the italian version of Office 2016 from the untouched microsoft iso (RTM). I also installed, before activation, the English language pack downloaded from the official Microsoft page. The problem (as I discovered later) is that the downloaded version of the Language pack is 16.0.4229.1024 and not 16.0.4266.1003 as the RTM Office iso is. Now, when I open then File -> Account windows in an Office application, the displayed version is 16.0.4229.1024 and no longer 16.0.4266.1003. Can it be a problem? And what should I do? Thanks.
Is it possible (if yes, how?), to restore a converted VL-Office back to Retail? (I know it's possible by removing and new installing, but I don't want this)
Run this command: Code: wmic path softwarelicensingproduct get Description if Office Retail license is still exist, then you simply need the matching retail key if not, re-install is the only way ps: RETAIL(MAK) is a volume license, so it's not counted
I hope I'm not to late: Doing this will reset Office completely to have 0 Licenses and 0 product keys installed. It is ok to do that in case of errors during VL activation. But It won't help in your case.
You're to late! What can I do now? OT says: no conversion or cleanup reqiuered ...and Activation failed
O2016RTool Message: "All OK. No conversion or cleanup required." means a VL-KMS-license was found. Just be sure: You used "cleanospp.exe" and started it with right-click -> run as administrator ? Hopefully, not! Removing needs admin-rights. "cleanospp.exe" won't do anything if only started with double-click. So maybe nothing bad has happened until now. What is listed when you execute the following command in elevated command prompt? Is Office RETAIL shown in list? Code: wmic path softwarelicensingproduct get Description
I know, but on the one hand OT found VL-KMS-licence, but impossible to activate??? Sorry, my fault! Fixed it in between by Office-repair function and after that OT works Edit: I have used: Code: cscript /nologo ospp.vbs /dstatusall ...and there was Retail/MAK licence and VL-KMS-licence installed (but no key)...and as I told...OT says conversion is not required ando so was no key installed and activation impossible.
Retail/MAK is Volume licence, too. Consumer Retail is different license type. If you need consumer Retail we can try to insert this other Retail license. But I have to create a little script for this task.
Hey ratzlefatz, is there any way you can put your O2016RTool on another fileshare mirror site? I use OpenDNS, and it's blocking the IPs and domains of that files.fm site, so there's no way to pull it down.
Exactly for that case, you need to run "cleanospp.exe" once. Afterwards O2016RTool sees 0 licenses and 0 keys, therefore starts conversion and inserts the needed VL-keys btw: Do you still need consumer Retail license -not volume MAK(Retail) - to be inserted ?
Hi guys and girls and I am sorry if this issue seems to be slight off-topic but upon installing and running any of the Microsoft Office 2016 apps regardless of its activation method and status, I get the dreaded error: I initially thought that the KMS tools would be the cause of the problem as I only could find the obvious troubleshooting suggestions, which have failed to solve the problem for me but upon reinstalling it and not activating it via KMS, I still got the same error. Is there any actual solution to this besides the obvious Google search-suggested solutions like disabling certain autorun tasks and so on?
Hi I have the isos of the MSDN editions of Office/Project/Visio 2016. I would like to know how the manual procedure (valid for each language) to create the three VLSC isos. Thanks Bye
I think it's not necessary, because I only want to test some Prof. Plus retail keys, who go about the net. (But they all are f*cking sh*t)