And for downloading a new setup-package with O2016RTool just enter the new version build string in download dialogue: Set VNEXT Download Path >c:\test Set Office Build >16.0.6001.1043 Set Update Location ID > Pressing <return> at "Set Update Location ID" will use "Current Branch" (= 492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60) based on version build string entered before. If you use Insider version 16.0.6366.2025 then "Update Location ID" will change to "Insider Branch" (= 64256AFE-F5D9-4F86-8936-8840A6A4F5BE) Or you can manually enter Branch ID's at "Set Update Location ID >" and overwrite the preset values.
Are there any downsides in using MTK for activating a fresh copy of Office 2016 or should I just use the command lines every 180 days?
A question, little OT. I recently formatted my PC and switched from Insider click2run to retail. Now my office program tiles in start menu are not colored anymore, but the background is the same for all the apps and is related to my theme color. This is because of retail installation or what?
This will give you Click2Run Retail package: For downloading a new RETAIL setup-package with O2016RTool just enter the correct version build string in download dialogue: Set VNEXT Download Path >c:\test Set Office Build >16.0.6001.1043 Set Update Location ID > Pressing <return> at "Set Update Location ID" will use "Retail/Current Branch" (= 492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60) based on version build string entered before.
Is it possible to have 32bit and 64bit installed on same pc? Reason I ask is I need to some foot notes to be in Arabic and the divider to be aligned to the right but its english and stays on the left. So Im guessing the Arabic version will have no problems so is it possible? I only need it for study purposes, other than that I use the English standard version daily.
I have a genuine Windows 10 that's already activated but I can't activate Office 2016 Pro Plus with Microsoft Toolkit v2.6b5. I read that this situation is possible, so, any ideas of what am I doing wrong?
New update found! Current MS-VNEXT Insider Click2Run Office 2016 Version - 16.0.6366.2036 Checked: December, 09 (after update was run)