Thanks , ratzlefatz , i'll give it (16.0.6741.2014) a go , and confirm if it has these new Functions my best regards
i installed ver 16.0.6741.2014 but the 6 new Functions did not show anywhere, so i uninstalled it and then i installed ver 16.0.6568.2036 and i got the 6 new Functions, BUT whenever i enable ANY add-in and restart Excel the new Functions are Gone , so i had to disable add-ins and New Functions were back !!! long and boring post but any help would be appreciated
March 15 -> version 16.0.6471.2015 March 17 -> version 16.0.6741.2017 hope, they didn't continue running this loop every 2 days... Update (no, they did not...): March 24 -> version 16.0.6769.2011
I seem to be having trouble getting Office activated... I followed the O2016RTool all the way through, from downloading office 2016 32 bit to activating it. It seems to install just fine (and no other offices are installed), it *seems* to convert to KMS OK, but when I try to use the internal KMS server, it says "Activating Office 16...", then Activation failed. No indication why.
Clueless Absolutely unable to activate. At first I tried with just standalone Word, but am currently trying with ProPlus omitting everything but Word. Same symptoms either way. If I run [C]onvert, it says 16 SKUs found (was 4 with just Word), but Number of Keys uninstalled = 0. It then proceeds with a bunch of '... installed successfully' and GVLK 'Successfully installed XQ...' If I run [K]MS, I get 'No instance(s) available' twice, followed by Activation failed. If I run [C]onvert again (immediately or later), I never get 'All OK. No conversion needed.' Instead, I get the same 'successful' messages as noted above. If I run Microsoft Toolkit-> Activation-> (Tool=AutoKMS) Check, I get <No installed product keys detected> If I run Microsoft Toolkit-> Product Keys-> (Product=Any version, Edition=Any program) Check, I get a Product Key with Validity: Valid. This includes programs that were never installed- like AccessVL. This remains true even after clean uninstalls. If I run KMS_VL_ALL, I'm told that no VL products detected (post-conversion). Ran Uninstalls through CP and FixIt, checking with manual instructions. Ran cleanospp (which does nothing in my case; as above, always 4-16 SKUs with 0 keys uninstalled). Even tried renaming tokens.dat and cache.dat as per, even though I'm on 10586. (data.dat did not exist) Please note that I first tried this with the September version of O2016Tool-BETA and ofc version 16.0.4229.1024_en-US_x86_x64. Since updated to current tool and 16.0.6741.2021_en-US_x86_x64_CurrentBranch. Note also that all installs were x64.
I would like you to do the following: - open admin elevated command-prompt / rightlick cmd.exe and run as administrator - navigate to O2016RTool/OfficeFixes/win-x32 - run "cleanospp" without! any additional command-line parameters (this will clean product-keys and Office licenses, but invalidates "tokens.dat" file) - stop service "Software Protection" - rename file "tokens.dat" in folder C:\Windows\System32\spp\store(_test)\2.0 to tokens.old - rename file "cache.dat" in folder C:\Windows\System32\spp\store(_test)\2.0\cache to cache.old - start service "Software Protection" - new activation token.dat file will be generated - convert again and redo Office KMS activation - Now it should work - If yes, then delete saved *.old files. If this doesn't work, then I'm afraid you must consider installing your messed up system with Windows fresh from scratch.
Hi. Long-time listener, first-time caller. First of all, thanks, Ratzlefatz for making O2106RTool. Unbelievably useful, this thing is! The most recent version to date (16.0.6568.2036) is refusing to install for reasons that are beyond me. I've tried it on two machines (one ThinkPad Edge E530c which has just been reformatted with Windows 10, and another i7 desktop I built) and am getting this error: This was a common error a while back when I first started using O2106RTool but hasn't reared its head for quite a while until today. No proxies, no old installations or anything else obviously impeding installation. Not sure how to proceed.
Thanks ratzlefatz. Note that I don't have store_test\2.0 as I'm on build 10586. I followed the instructions using the store\2.0 folder. However, the O2016RTool could still not convert the installed vnext image to VL. Incidentally, this is a clean Windows 10 image. Anyway, I was able to download a VL iso directly (november_rain's sticky) and your tool could successfully activate with its KMS. If you want any help debugging the Convert, let me know. Else, I'm happy. Regards.