hehe just wanted to post this as well I got the same error and am reinstalling from scratch at the moment. I think there's an error in the tool at this mark: Code: for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=." %%a in ("%o16version%") do (set /a offvermajor=%%a && set /a offverminor=%%a) set "" if %offvermajor% EQU 4229 if %offverminor% EQU 1015 set "" if %offvermajor% EQU 4266 if %offverminor% EQU 1003 set "" ^ I removed some of the code does someone have the old version for me in the meantime?
I fixed the error by bypassing the version check manually. My version was 4266.1003 so I used that line to set o16opdlocid After that I encountered another error with the InstallationPath and ProductReleaseIds so I set them manually as well. That did the trick to make it work, but after that I encountered another problem with installing the KMS Activation which failed. I still need some help
Have read the error reports and I will look into this. Expect an answer real soon. Sorry for any inconveniences.
Thanks! Do you have the old version in the meantime? Thanks for the PM ratzlefatz (I can't PM back yet ), I will check it out asap and report back
Thanks for fixing the detection ratzlefatz. I'm still getting an error with the tool however. The KMS activation still isn't working. After I chose K and then 1 for the internal O2016RTool KMS server it gives me: Code: No Instance(s) Available. No Instance(s) Available. Activation failed Previously Office 365 was installed on this machine, but I ran the Office removal tool from MS "O15CTRRemove.diagcab" before installing the MSDN iso.
I got the same outcome with your tips. I'm going to try to do the alternate approach now. [edit] Ok I still have the same issue over here with the alternative method Code: No Instance(s) Available. No Instance(s) Available. Activation failed I also tried to clean it like you said in the other post: - open admin elevated command-prompt / rightlick cmd.exe and run as administrator - navigate to O2016RTool/OfficeFixes/win-x32 - run "cleanospp" without! any additional command-line parameters (this will clean product-keys and Office licenses, but invalidates "tokens.dat" file) - stop service "Software Protection" - rename file "tokens.dat" in folder C:\Windows\System32\spp\store(_test)\2.0 to tokens.old - rename file "cache.dat" in folder C:\Windows\System32\spp\store(_test)\2.0\cache to cache.old - start service "Software Protection" - new activation token.dat file will be generated - convert again and redo Office KMS activation - Now it should work - If yes, then delete saved *.old files.
I am going to try the VL-ISO like the guy above and see if it works. It's really weird why my system can't KMS activate when I follow the correct steps.. Edit: THE VL-ISO WORKS!
Glad you both could help yourselves. Just for curiosity I'm interested in the following: 1.) You have a new system and Windows 10 was already pre-installed/activated by the manufacturer? or 2.) You have an older system and updated/activated to Win10 from prior OS Win7/Win8 ? or 3.) You have an older system and bought a new Win 10 license? (unlikely, I know ) If 2.) then I want to know: Did you fully wiped old Win7/Win8 from the system and installed Win10 pure fresh or do you still have Windows.old folder and all the other Win7/Win8 files remaining on harddisk?
I just bought a new laptop and windows 10 came pre-installed with the manufacturer. And I did a disk reformat using the windows 10 usb tool as well. The windows key is probably in the bios so I guess it makes no difference from just the reset PC option through the control panel. HOpe it helps!
To all who are using Windows 10 and are experiencing the error "No Instance(s) available" during KMS-activation of Office 2016 Click2Run (not valid for Volume) version: I've build an experimental workaround which I like you to test (if you still have some motivation left to do this...) In case of the error run the batch below and redo [C]onversion and [K]MS activation and report back. As I don't have such a faulty test environment, I can't guarantee that it will work, but it is worth a try. Copy to your text-editor, save as "token_reset.cmd" and right-click run as administrator: Code: NET Stop sppsvc CD /D %windir%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WSLicense Ren tokens.dat tokens.bak :: WIN10 Current/Retail CD /D %windir%\System32\spp\store\2.0 :: WIN10 Insider/Preview CD /D %windir%\System32\spp\store_test\2.0 Ren tokens.dat tokens.bak Net Start sppsvc cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc pause
Bad news - For the moment I'm stuck now. Further investigation is needed. But luckily we have the Volume Version which works.