Hmm I have tried installing Office 2016 (Retail Current = 16.0.7070.2036) multiple times on a fresh Windows 7 installation however I am always stuck @ 88%. I have tried using MS FixIt multiple times too but to no avail.
Hey, so we followed steps on post #2 to a T, and I didn't get any errors, It says activated, however, when ever I open word it still says "Try, buy, or activate" on the first screen. It seems like if it truely was activated that wouldn't show up. Thoughts?
I just build and successfully finished two test scenarios without issues: - Windows 7 Professional, x64, en-us - Downloaded Office setup package from "Current" (Retail) channel - Installed and activated "Office 2016 Professional Plus", en-us, x86, build 16.0.7070.2036 - Windows 7 Professional, x64, en-us - Downloaded Office setup package from "First Release for Current" (Insider) channel - Installed and activated "Office 365 Professional Plus", en-us, x86, newest build 16.0.7167.2040 As O2016RTool doesn't show any progress bar, where do this output of @ 88% come from? To help you, there is some information needed. Please describe your environment a little more.
I have finally installed the Insider Office but Word can't seem to connect to the Store. I want to download a dictionary. Any solutions?
You didn't tell us what you already have tried to enter the store, so here's one possible way: Start Word -> Menu -> Insert -> Store (klick Icon). Then sign-in using your Microsoft-Account.
Hi guys. I'm using O2016RTool, and i'm asking what's the difference between O2016 ProPlus, O365 ProPlus, O2016 Mondo and SingleApp install. Do the license system change or something similar? can you explain me?
I know I wasn't asked to post a thank you but Still a BIG THANK YOU for the works. Defender seems to delete the activator file which when the activation option is selected it cant find the .exe and activation fails. I just had to allow it through defender and redownload the file and activation is fine. Just one question remains. Do we have to reactivate it like with the KMS pico every 180 days or it is done automatically? TIA
I have a problem to install to other computer Office 2016 by this method (installation package moved by microSD). Well, I downloaded package by my own computer and tried to install it to other computer, some has very slow internet connection and limited data plan. It failed: "No install package found" every time, even it is there and can be browsed (with a correct address), but of course, it is not download path as it is requesting ... is there any solution or do I just need to download other Office 2016 for installation ?
The setup-package must always be saved to a directory (not in root!) with the correct naming and underlying subdirectory structure. I normally used C:\TEST for testing. You can name this home-directory to whatever you want. Now assuming the other drive has the letter E: and you downloaded latest en-US Office from "First Release for Current" (= Insider) distribution channel then the structure must look like this: E:\TEST\16.0.7167.2040_en-US_x86_x64_FirstReleaseForCurrent If you "set" download location to E:\TEST in install dialogue then the package is found and can be used.
Is there a way to download Office 365 Business Premium using the app? I noticed you can only download ProPlus, Project and Visio.
"Office 365 Business Premium" contains a standard "Office 365 ProPlus" and only has additional Online Services as enhancement. To download / activate "Office Premium" and to use these Online Services, you need access to a Business-subscription. O2016RTool can't (and won't) provide any subscription data.
i also follow the steps for 1 to download and then install the full office do I have to jump to step 3 convert the office suite and then activate it or is it activated already and if I do I can use either method 3 or 4 is that right???
when i first run or open excel it pops up with a dialog box telling me to enter my email associated with my office subscription to activate do i enter it or not??? i have already converted my office suite and went on to activation... then i get the following error "no instances available"..."activation failed "when running activator and choosing 1 why is that??
How to handle Click2Run Office 2016/2019 with OfficeRTool: Distribution Channels for Private use: Choose "Current Channel" if you want "Retail Version" or take "CurrentPreview Channel" if you want to check new features of early Office 2016/2019 "Insider-/Preview-/Beta-Version". Distribution Channels for Business use: The same goes for "SemiAnnual Channel" and "SemiAnnual Preview Channel" - You have to remember, that Business releases are featurewise somewhat delayed compared to Private use Channels. After download and install was finished, you must convert Retail to Volume first and afterwards do KMS-activation. The reason and some workarounds for "activation failed" error and "no instances available" during KMS-activation are referenced on the first page in post#5, chapter [K] START KMS activation. If you want to restart anew, then use Microsoft FixIt-Tools from post#4. For the next report, please provide some more information about your system, Windows version, architecture (x86/x64) and system language. This avoids wild guessing and helps us to helping you.