02016RTool allowed me to install Office but refuses to convert retail to VL (step C). I have disable my anti virus software and it still does does not allow me to proceed with conversion. Need your guidance. Many thanks
Are there proofing tools for this (16.0.7407.3600) release? The Pro Plus of this release DOES have the Morphing function (after changing the license to Volume!!)
If downloaded and installed by O2016RTool you should always be able to see the "FOUND/NOT fOUND" summary list after pressing [C]. As this seems not to work on your system, I need a little more input about your environment: - Windows: Version 7, 8, 10 ? - Home/Professional/Ultimate/LTSB? - 32/64 bit? - Language? - Office 2016: Distribution Channel (Current/Retail, Insider, Business)? - Version (ProPlus/365ProPlus/Mondo or SingleApps)? - 32/64 bit? - Language? Please start command-prompt and provide the output of the following command (copy/paste into command-prompt): Code: reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" /v "ProductReleaseIds"
Many thanks for your response. 1. On windows 10 Professional 64 bit English 2. Office Distribution- Current and Insider Pro Plus- C just disappears after I press it. I have deleted Office from my PC as cannot give you the output as requested. Many thanks
Set Download Path >d:\test Possible Office 2016 Distribution-Channel ID VALUES: C = Current Channel (Retail/RTM) F = Insider Fast (Office Insider Fast Ring) S = First Release for Current Channel (Office Insider Slow Ring) D = Deferred Channel (Business) B = First Release for Deferred Channel (Business Insider) M = manual override (set identifier for Channel-ID's not yet known) X = exit to Main Menu Set Channel-ID >m Set Channel identifier (manual overrride) >55C44C35-878E-4C43-83EE-B666BF4261A4 Set Office Build - or press return for not set >16.0.7405.6929 (wrong) <- 16.0.7408.6925 (corrected!) Possible Language VALUES: ar-SA, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-US, es-ES, et-EE, fi-FI, fr-FR, he-IL, hi-IN, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt-LT, lv-LV, nb-NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sv-SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, vi-VN, zh-CN, zh-TW Set Language Value - or press return for en-US > __________________________________________________________________ ======= Pending Download (SUMMARY) =============================== DownloadPath: d:\test Channel-ID: 55C44C35-878E-4C43-83EE-B666BF4261A4 (=Manual/Override) Office Build: 16.0.7405.6929 Language: en-US Architecture: x86_x64 __________________________________________________________________ Start download now? (1/0) >1
It works if you "Set Office Build - or press return for not set > 16.0.7405.6925" The build is 6925 not 6929, Other available builds are: 16.0.7329.6925 16.0.7331.6925 16.0.7401.6925
I had downloaded as instructed all those builds, but none of them worked. Final Results I got: Office-2016-Preview-v1.0.9 - Insider Slow - 16.0.7341.2021 - after updates online, it turns out to be Insider Fast - 16.0.7331.1000 setup.exe - Insider Fast - 16.0.7331.1000