Hi . Just as small point..I have noted recently that in trying to install 2K16 to a 32 bit machine that the Product Branding ID / Product name etc "Microsfft Office 365 ProPlus" does not seem to be honoured correctly and that the product is branded as "Microsoft Office Professional Plus". I think that the script changed recently and the code that manipulates the keys "3AD61E22-E4FE-497F-BDB1-3E51BD872173" and "D450596F-894D-49E0-966A-FD39ED4C4C64" is working differently? (It looks different in this area - but i am not a scripter!). I have not encounted any issue with installing x86 program to an x64 OS machine. Also a supplementary question..do both these keys need to change or is it just "D450596F-894D-49E0-966A-FD39ED4C4C64" that matters? Changing them manually solves the problem, but of course this is lost again at the next update. Hope this does not come across as nit-picking! Just hoping you can make a great tool even better! Thanks.
Thank you for reporting. I will look into that. You're welcome. Suggestions and bug reports are highly appreciated.
You are right, I just noticed the channel change in O2016RTool. By the way, it is an excellent tool. I think you have one of the best (Retail to VL) change implementations; thanks. With respect to ending the C2R processes, I noticed during testing that in some occasions, there may be more than one process lurking, and unless they are ended the new change will not picked up. It is a common practice to restart PC after Registry changes, so I thought it is better to advise the restarting of the process. Just a little notice; we usually make changes directly to the Registry, which may not be reflected in the Group Policy. Once the "gpupdate /force" is used, changes made in the registry would be reverted to whatever in the Group Policy.
Thanks for speedy response to the branding issue. I tested the latest Tool (Sept 25) with a 16.0.7167.2060 build on a 32 Win 7 machine and indeed the 365 branding displayed correctly, where before it had not. However on running web update to 16.0.7341.2032 this results in the branding reverting to the MSO Professional Plus branding. Do you think there is any way round this to secure the 365 branding going forward, without having to edit the registry manually?
Hhmm.. Let me see, what I can do against this "re-branding" during update. I tested using Win10 32bit Pro Windows. Will take Windows 7 now to have the same environment as you.
Where I can download Office 2016 Home and business x64 VL en-us? It seems every upload link in whole forum is offline... Retail + howto convert also welcome I mean: Normal iso, where i can put the updates in a folder.
An doubt: Does Windows Defender remove O2016RTool if the O2016RTool folder is scanned? The AutoKMS in KMSPico is removed with a simple scan of Windows Defender on Windows 10 Anniversary Update....(I forgot to remove KMSPico after upgrading to Windows 10 legally...)
No issues here scanning O2016RTool folder using Defender (Win 10 Pro Anniversary and Win 10 Pro Insider 14936). But one never knows what will happen at the next signature update. So it's clever to exclude O2016RTool folder in Defender settings. @all: valid for all the other AVs, too. So check your exclusion settings to have O2016RTool included.