First, thanks for this guide and tool! Fast and easy to follow. My problem is that 16.0.7341.2035 updates to version 1609 (build 7369.2024) in Words account menu. According to this thread post #6 this is the Slow Ring build? First run of Word displayed (in "account" menu) Office 2016 Professional Plus and that it was activated. A reboot later and a update from the same "account" menu and now the 2016 professional plus is not there, nor the activated confirmation. "Current Channel" is still listed, but version is 1609 (build 7369.2024) OS: Win10 pro x64 version 1607 build 14393.222 O2016RTool was downloaded yesterday. I selected "C" in channel-id. Manually entered 16.0.7341.2035 as build. Language is en-US. Arch is x64. Downloaded and installed according to the guide. Converted and activated with built-in kms. Made sure the click-to-run service was stopped and not running. In the "U" menu the following is listed: (sorry, can't post links so they're altered) Code: Office 2016 ProfessionalPlus Current Channel (Retail/RTM) - CDNBaseUrl: "officecdn microsoft com/pr/492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60" Current Channel (Retail/RTM) - Update-Path: "officecdn microsoft com/pr/492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60" Group-Policy defined UpdateBranch: "Current" How to prevent "current retail/rtm" to upgrade to Slow Ring? And how to get back the "2016 Professional Plus" and that it's activated? Thanks!
Thank you for reporting, the detailed description of your environment and what you did until the error occurred. I like such detailed reports. This helps a lot and reproducing the error is easier. But Microsoft yesterday (!) changed "Current" distribution channel to be updated to 16.0.7369.2024. So the "Current" update to this version is correct. When you start O2016RTool again, it will show that a new "Current" version is available. All is working as designed. I have updated post #6 to list 16.0.7369.2024 as latest "Current" version. I'm sorry for the maintenance delay and the confusion it caused. Regarding the missing listing of "Activation Status" and "Office Branding": I noticed the same after updating to this new version. But O206RTool can't do anything in this case. This missing information works as designed by MS. They removed it from the current version. If you are afraid that activation is invalid, then do the following: - start Command-Prompt - enter the following command Code: (64bit Office on 64bit Windows or 32bit Office on 32bit Windows) cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /dstatus (32bit Office on 64bit Windows) cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" /dstatus After (o)ffice(s)oftware(p)rotection(p)latform = "ospp" has finished some internal checks, it will show the license and activation data.
I thought it was something like that, but wasn't sure since the branding and activation confirmation disappeared. No need to apologize, the tool is working as it should and the update was valid. I understand that your tool can't do anything with this, I guess MS will update this in the next update. Thank you for pointing out the ospp.vbs, it seems like everything is ok. Some of the output: Code: LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel BETA EXPIRATION: 01.01.1601 LICENSE STATUS: ---LICENSED--- REMAINING GRACE: 179 days (259197 minute(s) before expiring) Activation Type Configuration: ALL Activation Interval: 120 minutes Renewal Interval: 43200 minutes KMS host caching: Enabled
The 2 lines in green are the important ones. If you check directly after successful KMS-activation they will show: LICENSE STATUS: ---LICENSED--- REMAINING GRACE: 180 days (259200 minute(s) before expiring) Beware: The minute(s) counter will decrement soon every 60 seconds and days will be counted as 179. Examples of unsuccessful activation or inactive licenses are: LICENSE STATUS: ---UNLICENSED--- LICENSE STATUS: ---OOB_GRACE--- LICENSE STATUS: ---EXTENDED_GRACE--- LICENSE STATUS: ---NOTIFICATIONS---
ratzlefatz, first of all thanks for this amazing tool im downloading ''16.0.7369.2024_pt-BR_x86_x64_Current" using option [D] how can i download x64 only? i didn see the option Thanks
ratzlefatz, thanks for the amazing work. I am in weird situation, and I hope you can guide me through it. My friend just bought a new laptop with Windows 10 on it (exactly: Windows 10 Home x64 Italian Language) My friend would like to install Office 2016 x64 in Italian without messing with the Windows 10 activation and product key (genuine as of now). Is there anything you could suggest me to install Office 2016 on this computer without screwing up a genuine Windows 10 installation? I studied your tool, but I am not sure if it completely preserve integrity of other genuine Microsoft products. Thank you very much!
O2016RTool was designed for Office 2016 activation only. It won't touch Windows. You can use it safely. Just download, install, convert and KMS-activate Office. Windows activation will always stay the same.
I have used the internal KMS tool inside O2016RTool latest version, in the latest Office version, why doesn't show in Office Account tab the label "Product Activated"??? I have verified the Office activation via cmd and it's ok.
@ratzlefatz Thank you for the O2016RTool tool and the effort. I installed office 16.0.7369.2024_en-US (Word, excel, Powerpoint, Access, outlook) via current channel; changed to VL. I tried to activate via KMS internal, but it failed, so I tried MTK2.6.2, it worked. Now my question is How do I update this office: via Windows update or something else? Addl info: I'm using Windows 8.1 pro update 1 Thanks!!
I experienced the same. It looks like all newer Office versions show this behaviour. We have to ask Microsoft why product brand name and activation info are missing now in account window.
Looks like your antivirus soft has interferred here. For testing you should disable AV and if successful, then add O2016RTool folder to AV exclusion list. But it is ok to use MTK (or any other KMS activator) after O2016RTool has converted Office 2016 C2R from retail to volume. Office Click2Run versions have their own internal update routine. Updates are automatically checked and installed. For manual update: Start any Office App, then klick -> Menu -> File -> Account -> Update Options -> Update now
but I use "portable update" to store update files, so that while reinstall I dont have to redownload all the updates. Is it possible save the update files for office C2R versions?
But, when I go to file > account, there is an option for update; which type of update does that perform? Thanks!!
When you activate the option "Update Now" (and there is a new version available) then a full download and install of this new version is initiated. It is the same as downloading a full installation package and start the setup. Except you don't have to specify, what Office product to install. That is retrieved from the current setup.
Some says that C2R updating utilize delta downloads, similar to Windows updates (not office MSI), only changed files are downloaded but i never test it