Yep. Got the 16.0.7967.2139 version this morning but so far no reversion triggered. Perhaps coincidence, but I seem to be experiencing startup issues with Word in some cases also. i.e, Word freezes on the splash screen with the scrolling dots freezing. Only solution is to kill Word in TM. Relaunching then usually goes without a hitch. Wondering if this re-versioning debacle has introduced some compatability / instability issues?
I installed Word 2016 VL (VLSC). I'm on version 16.0.4266.1001. The current version according to post #6 is 16.0.4498.1000 and I'm not getting any updates from Windows Update. OS is Windows 7 SP1 x64 with Word 2016 x64. Am I doing something wrong?
In post #6 I've listed MS-Office 2016 Client version from full suite ProfessionalPlus. 16.0.4498.1000 is correct. See screenshot from Winword App account info: Maybe Word VL Single app is different, but I didn't have that available. Anyone else out there, who can check and report back?
I'm thinking Windows did not properly register Word in Windows Update or something. "You receive updates: For Windows only." I did get the option on startup when I started Word to enable the updates but it doesn't seem to anything for me. (It says never updated because I reset the Windows Update service to try to fix it but that didn't fix it either). I tried reinstalling but it didn't help. I also tried fully removing Word with iFixits from Microsoft and reinstalling Word but that didn't help...
That's the problem: It must read "...For Windows and other products from Microsoft Update" To enable change update settings -> Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Update\Change settings Tick box "Give me updates for other Microsoft products..." If this doesn't work then the following batch (credits Murphy78) will activate the setting: Spoiler Code: @echo off color 1f :Begin UAC check and Auto-Elevate Permissions :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo: echo Requesting Administrative Privileges... echo Press YES in UAC Prompt to Continue echo: goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :-------------------------------------- ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. MicroSoft Update Opt-In Script ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO Sometimes Windows Update will prevent you from opting into MS Update. ECHO This script will add the GUID to your servicing that allows MS Update to run. ECHO This allows you to receive Office updates, among other things. ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE /c YN /n /M "Run this script? (Y/N): " set errortemp=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 2 EXIT IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 0 EXIT net stop wuauserv >NUL 2>&1 if exist %TEMP%\MSU.vbs del %TEMP%\MSU.vbs echo Set ServiceManager = CreateObject^("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager"^)>%TEMP%\MSU.vbs echo ServiceManager.ClientApplicationID = "My App">>%TEMP%\MSU.vbs echo Set NewUpdateService = ServiceManager.AddService2^("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d",7,""^)>>%TEMP%\MSU.vbs %windir%\system32\wscript.exe %TEMP%\MSU.vbs del %TEMP%\MSU.vbs ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. Finished ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Press any key to exit... pause>NUL
Thanks, the bat file did work, Windows Update does detect Word now. Is it normal that I'm getting updates for other office products? The list with updates also shows updates for products like Access, Excel, Publisher etc.
Glad it worked. Yes. Even if only Word is installed, there are shared modules from other Office apps which are used by Word. Of course they get updates, too. Some examples: Word form letters which get addresses from Excel or Access databases. Word picture-/text- import from Powerpoint/Publisher and so on.
Too many pages, that I missed? I want to permanently activate office 2016! could be with a .BAT, CMD, VBS. how to do it?
Thank you for the reply. I know your script!! I wasn't clear about what I was referencing Ratiborus tool for. The actual download process has a GUI (not the xml creator), that looks very much like its from MS themselves. I was wondering if anyone knew where it was from. Thanks again!
Asked Ratibrous.. waiting for his reply: I assume you mean that the downloading window gui is coded by him.. oh well then.. and thanks for the answer
Hi Mr. @ratzlefatz , I was trying to download your tools that was suggested to me by Mr. @s1ave77 to convert my WHDownloaded Office Professional Plus to Volume License for "Microsoft Tool" activation but it seems the links are broken. can you point me to the right direction if you have time? or the instruction for conversion was already modified? thanks & regards!
An doubt: Is 16.0.7967.2161 the latest version of Current/Retail branch? The links in op isn't actualized.
Yes. O2016RTool always checks version at start and saves latest versions from all distribution channels. See content of "latest_xxxx_build.txt" files. Now they are..
Thanks for replying me. The Current/Retail branch update before this in Tuesday wasn't recognized by O2016RTool, and I was wondering about MS distributing them with errors