[HOW-TO/SUPPORT/CHAT] OFFICE C2R Download/Install/Activation

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by s1ave77, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. stephenhawking

    stephenhawking MDL Novice

    Apr 29, 2015
    Hi, when I open the cmd file, it's just a blank prompt. Any ideas?
  2. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    I face that Excel slow openning even on Windows 8.1
    but only for the first or second sheets, afterthat it's normal

    not a big deal
  3. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1463 ratzlefatz, May 20, 2017
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1465 ratzlefatz, May 20, 2017
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
    At the moment I'm stuck at the fact, that Microsoft doesn't provide accurate and unique version info in their files.
    There are differences between version shown in "About" window and installed version shown at Programs and
    Features in uninstall section. I lean towards reading "uninstall info" because it's equal to version in announcement
    lists from MS and the ones checked/announced by O2016RTool. But I'm not yet really satified with this situation.
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  6. smarty302

    smarty302 MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2015
    The URL : h**p://tools.thecollectionbook.info/latest/

    used in the batch file to get current versions of office returns a 404. So sadly the script isnt working any more :(
  7. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1469 ratzlefatz, May 21, 2017
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
    Yes, I already noticed. As this is a 3rd-party website, I asked them what happened.
    Answer is pending....
    I wouldn't delete anything too fast. Just insert a new line (# 74)
    line 72:   echo Checking all Office 2016 distribution channels for new updates. Please wait....
    line 73:   echo:
    line 74:   goto:SkipFRD
    This will skip all the checks. If you need the latest Office build version, then look into the
    latest_xxxx_build.txt files and enter it manually at "set Office build >" dialogue.

    As it was really handy, I hope this function will be restored / re-implemented.

    In the meantime I will work on a fallback option (plan B) to fetch build #'s from somewhere
    else. But don't expect a fast result. I have to think about how "plan B" could be designed.
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  8. bjf2000

    bjf2000 MDL Expert

    Apr 11, 2008
    What about the way that Ratiborus's Office 2016 C2R Install does it with its "Get Version" button?

    Running HTTPNetworkSniffer when pressing that button shows that it's doing a wget of a tiny file at (the path varies according to edition):

    That cab contains two small text files, each containing the version number of the given edition that you're checking.
  9. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    Thank you. I will take this into consideration.
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  10. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1472 ratzlefatz, May 22, 2017
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
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  11. bjf2000

    bjf2000 MDL Expert

    Apr 11, 2008
    Thanks a lot for the quick fix.

    I can't believe this, but just in case anyone is trying to run this on a Windows Insider build (16199, in my case), you may only be greeted with a beep when pressing a correct key to navigate the menu.

    But this isn't the fault of the script. The CHOICE command that it uses appears not to work at all. Running this from the command line results in the same beeping:
    CHOICE /C YNC /M "Press Y for Yes, N for No or C for Cancel."

    This may be only a problem here (I didn't test in a 16199 VM), but I think that's unlikely, since CHOICE used to work in older builds whenever I would try it via the script. I haven't used it in the last month or so, though.
  12. Checkout!

    Checkout! MDL Junior Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    Firstable I have try to install the new office and activate the 2010 Excel i have but it's keep not activated....

    Office 2016 ProfessionalPlus --- ProductVersion: 16.0.7726.1036
    Distribution-Channel: "Current Channel (Retail/RTM)"
    Activation Status: 9  (---UNKNOWN---)
    Remaining KMS Period: 0 Days --- License expires at: 5/23/2017
    Visio 2016 Professional --- ProductVersion: 16.0.7726.1036
    Distribution-Channel: "Current Channel (Retail/RTM)"
    Activation Status: 9  (---UNKNOWN---)
    Remaining KMS Period: 0 Days --- License expires at: 5/23/2017
    Project 2016 Professional --- ProductVersion: 16.0.7726.1036
    Distribution-Channel: "Current Channel (Retail/RTM)"
    Activation Status: 9  (---UNKNOWN---)
    Remaining KMS Period: 0 Days --- License expires at: 5/23/2017
    I have deleted my old office 2010 and now installed the new 2016 Office 365, after that the office is still doesn't open !! any help ?

    se internal O2016RTool KMS server (1/0)? >1
    No Instance(s) Available.
    No Instance(s) Available.
    Activation failed
    No Instance(s) Available.
    No Instance(s) Available.
    Activation failed
    No Instance(s) Available.
    No Instance(s) Available.
    Activation failed
  13. Checkout!

    Checkout! MDL Junior Member

    Mar 9, 2010
    And this also may be useful
    ======= CONVERT OFFICE 2016 RETAIL TO VOLUME =====================
    Installation path  = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office"
    Office Suites:
    Office 2016 ProfessionalPlus   = "FOUND"
    Office 2016 Standard           = "not found"
    Office 365 ProfessionalPlus    = "not found"
    Office 365 Business            = "not found"
    Office Mondo Grande Suite      = "not found"
    Additional Apps:
    VisioPro                       = "FOUND"
    ProjectPro                     = "FOUND"
    Single Apps:
    Word                           = "not found"
    Excel                          = "not found"
    PowerPoint                     = "not found"
    Access                         = "not found"
    Outlook                        = "not found"
    Publisher                      = "not found"
    OneNote                        = "not found"
    Skype                          = "not found"
    Press any key to continue . . .
  14. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1478 ratzlefatz, May 23, 2017
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1480 ratzlefatz, May 23, 2017
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    Perfect, that's what it should look when installed and activated.

    You can't. Older Office 2010 can not coexist together with Office 2016 on the same machine.
    You must decide what to use: Either older Office 2010 or newest Office 2016. Both is not possible
    and causes severe issues up to bluescreens, because common used files with same name were
    overwritten from the last Office install. And that produces only debris and not a well performing Office.

    For personal, private use "Current/Retail" distribution-channel is the correct one.
    If you want to be Beta-Tester for Microsoft, then "Insider FAST"- or "Insider SLOW"-channel
    can be used. "Insiders" get newest features first. "Insiders FAST" have the very newest, but
    because of that, Office may have sideeffects (hickups, crashes).

    You installed Office 2016 from "Deferred/Business"-channel. I would strongly suggest to
    remove this version with FixIt-Tool. "Deferred/Business"-Channel has the lowest feature
    set of all channels and get updates much later. That's because companies don't like too
    much changes. They want longer product-periods with the same feature set.

    You are set best, if you install Office from "Current/Retail"-channel.
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