Yes, errors on Microsoft content delivery servers are not completely solved. Already "announced" Insider Fast 16.0.8828.2010 build is still not available. O2016RTool's version check is fooled by MS CDN server's announcement. Up to now 16.0.8730.2122 is still latest version for download. Patience is a virtue...
A new O2016RTool version (2017/December/09) was released today CHANGE: Removed query of content delivery server announcement system for latest available Office version. Now real available file "" in CDN server's download directory is used. Inside there is file "VersionDescriptor.xml". And inside VersionDescriptor.xml there is variable <Available Build=16.0.xxxx.yyyy This is the Office version stored on CDN server ready for download. This more reliable info is used now in check for new versions. As side-effect, speed of version check decreased. No other changes were made. Download-links and checksums in OP were updated.
It's an ISO. I tried installing it on my laptop and it worked perfectly. How is that possible? I tried updating the BIOS, but the problem persists.
So the installation media seems to be correct. Was any other Office installed on the faulty system before? If Yes, then uninstall by using Programs and Features may not sufficient enough. Could be, there are fragments left which disturb new installation. If this is the case, please use MS-Office FixIt-Tool from post#4. Be sure to take correct FixIt-Tool version based on priorly installed Office. And read instructions in post#4 how to use FixIt.
It's a PC that I just formatted. There aren't any programs installed apart Windows and the drivers. However, I already tried using that tool, without success.
Hhmm, rather strange. ISO-setup is working on Laptop, but not on other, fresh new system. What's the exact name of this ISO-file? Is it Volume License ISO? Already tried to use O2016RTool for downlad, install, conversion and activation?
File name is SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2016_64Bit_Italian_MLF_X20-42442.iso I didn't use O2016RTool. I don't remember how I downloaded it, however it's 6 months that it's installed on my laptop without any problem.
Create subfolder on harddisc's root. Foldername must be a very short one (the shorter, the better). Ex. C:\OFSETUP (because path length can cause errors if foldername is too long). Copy all files from ISO to subfolder on harddisk. Then try to start setup.exe from there.
I don't get this at all. I run [K] Start KMS Activation and it says Activation failed. Well? WHY does it fail?
To me it seems, you have missed the (C)onversion part before starting (K)MS activation. So do (C) first, then (K). I'm pretty sure, I will work. If this doesn't solve the problem, then please tell us a little more about your environment. What Windows you are using, what Office you have installed and the steps you have taken until the error appeared. Useful to know: Has been any other Office installed before? And looking into post#4 and post#5 or the "readme.pdf" can help.
Where i can download Office 365 64 Bit Home ISO. I tried to search this in forums. But i couldn't find. Can you please share link. Thanx
I tried downloading it again from When I click it, nothing happens. If I open the Task Manager, I can see an exe called WerFault.exe which appears for 2 secs and then disappears again. Event Viewer shows error 0xc0000005. Windows Firewall and Windows Virus Protection are disabled.
@ratzlefatz I'm talking about Windows Defender Virus Protection. I disabled both Firewall and Windows Defender. I attached the error report. One error that caught my attention is: As I said, I already tried to install it from the Techbench .img, but when I click it nothing happens. If I open the Task Manager, I can see an exe called WerFault.exe which appears for 2 secs and then disappears again. Event Viewer shows error 0xc0000005. I tried to reinstall Windows 10. Nothing changed. I tried to install Windows 8.1. I get the same error.