Office 365 is just a brand name for susbcription products of Office 2016 ClickToRun version it will be carried on with the next Office versions (i.e. 2019) while Office 2016 usually means the legacy MSI version, and the non-subscription products of C2R so if you installed ProPlusRetail SKU or O365ProPlusRetail SKU, both will get the same features and updates at least that's my understanding
Well, I know about subscription things, but consider this, I download office and try to install it with the script in OP, it will ask me if I want to install Office 2016 or Office 365, and I want to activate it with KMS(so no subscription in both cases) what would be the difference of installed office?
Script adds Volume KMS activation capability to both Office versions. Office 2016 remains Office 2016 and Office 365 remains Office 365.
Technically (=most of the code base) they are the same. But Office 365 is privileged when new features are published. Mind following the links in this post?
Yes I saw them previously(did a lot of research before asking here ), What you say will raise me another question, if I install Office 2016(not 365) I should not get new features(according to those links and details you kindly said here) so what would be the difference between channels? Or another thing, what would be the difference with msi based? If it's not getting features, it's like msi based, what will I have more than them?
Isn't the C2R files downloaded per channel are exeactly the same regardless the SKU? i mean if i downloaded latest Insider bits, then choose ProPlusRetail or MondoRetail in config.xml, the new features would not be installed?
From own experience: Even if downloaded from the same code base, there exist difference behaviours. Maybe identified from SKU (ID-number, brand name, online cloud verification or whatever....) Example: If O365ProPlus is installed: At first start, sometimes there appears a "What is new in this build" window. If Office2016proplus is installed from the same channel and using the same build this startup window is not shown. I remember the confusing search why MORPH in Powerpoint was not shown in Office 2016 ProPlus. It WAS the correct channel/build-number due to MS announcement, but it was not there. And in most support bulletins it is stated clearly: "this feature is available for Office 365 subscribers only". I know, these are vague arguments, but I believe there is a difference.
Hi everyone, I installed last monthly version of Office 2016 and got an error about VBA/macro. I can not create new VBA. It does not allow me to insert new form or syntax. Please help me fix that. Thank you!
Go to -> File -> Options -> Trust Center -> Settings: Macro settings -> (X) Enable all macros Developer Macro settings -> (X) Trust access to the VBA project object model
Will it be possible to add Store App version Office 2016 support to O2016RTool so that I can convert it from retail to volume license?
I noticed new 2019 Product IDs in the latest InsiderFast build Professional2019Retail, ProPlus2019Retail, ProjectPro2019Retail, VisioPro2019Retail i check them and suddenly got 1 year free license Spoiler Code: Name: Office 19, Office19ProPlus2019R_PrepidBypass edition Description: Office 19, RETAIL(Free) channel Activation ID: c3b2612d-58ee-4d9b-ad9d-7568decb29f7 Application ID: 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 Extended PID: 03612-03983-000-000000-00-1033-10240.0000-0042018 Product Key Channel: Retail Partial Product Key: BWTH9 License Status: Licensed Evaluation End Date: 2019/1/1 2:59:59 AM Remaining App rearm count: 1 Remaining SKU rearm count: 1 Trusted time: 2018/1/4 4:26:18 PM Name: Office 19, Office19ProjectPro2019R_PrepidBypass edition Description: Office 19, RETAIL(Free) channel Activation ID: a1bfbae1-3092-4b33-bf77-0681be6807fe Application ID: 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 Extended PID: 03612-03986-000-000000-00-1033-10240.0000-0042018 Product Key Channel: Retail Partial Product Key: DDCWD License Status: Licensed Evaluation End Date: 2019/1/1 2:59:59 AM Remaining App rearm count: 1 Remaining SKU rearm count: 1 Trusted time: 2018/1/4 4:39:38 PM Name: Office 19, Office19VisioPro2019R_PrepidBypass edition Description: Office 19, RETAIL(Free) channel Activation ID: 2ea0d3c6-b498-4503-97a1-19ac88ae44e5 Application ID: 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 Extended PID: 03612-03985-000-000000-00-1033-10240.0000-0042018 Product Key Channel: Retail Partial Product Key: KBWB2 License Status: Licensed Evaluation End Date: 2019/1/1 2:59:59 AM Remaining App rearm count: 1 Remaining SKU rearm count: 1 Trusted time: 2018/1/4 4:39:37 PM those are just branding/licensing, the apps and files are all still Office 2016 you have to start an app after installation and agree the terms to get the license activated they also have equivalent Volume C2R licenses/SKUs, but didn't check them yet (no known gvlk) Code: ProPlus2019Volume Office19_ProPlus2019XC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R ProjectPro2019Volume Office19_ProjectPro2019XC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R VisioPro2019Volume Office19_VisioPro2019XC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R
Great find, thank you. With Office 2019, native MSI-Office Volume seems to be going eol. As now there is a Click2Run ProPlus XC2RVL_KMS_ClientC2R, too. Not only Visio and Project as with Office 2016.
Some W/A for C2R-Retail2Volume Code: OLD: if !_%%a! equ 1 call :InsLic %%a goto :GVLK NEW: if !_%%a! equ 1 (call :InsLic %%a & goto :GVLK) OLD: if !_%%a! equ 1 if !_proplus! equ 0 !_professional! equ 0 call :InsLic %%a NEW: if !_%%a! equ 1 if !_proplus! equ 0 if !_professional! equ 0 call :InsLic %%a OLD: echo Press any key to exit... NEW: echo Press any key to exit... ::Office 2013 Workaround for Microsoft toolkit if %office15%==1 ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions set installpath15= for /F "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun" /v "InstallPath" 2^>nul') do (set "installpath15=%%b") if "!installpath15!" neq "" ( call reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot" /f /v "Path" /t "REG_SZ" /d "!installpath15!" >nul 2>&1 ) set installpath15= for /F "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun" /v "InstallPath" 2^>nul') do (set "installpath15=%%b") if "!installpath15!" neq "" ( call reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot" /f /v "Path" /t "REG_SZ" /d "!installpath15!" >nul 2>&1 ) endlocal ) OLD: %arch%\cleanospp.exe >nul 2>&1 NEW: %arch%\cleanospp.exe -PKey >nul 2>&1 ::Workaround for Office 2016 + Windows 10 RS4 ::%arch%\cleanospp.exe -Licenses >nul 2>&1
Hi guys after installing microsoft office professional 2016 and use the activation method here: After around 5 months i am now getting the following message: This copy of microsoft office is not activated. Please advise guys what to do .