Won't work on OfficeRTool Version 2018/January/21, maybe because InsiderFast downloads build 16.0.9020.2003 instead of 16.0.9001.2080
No idea then, because it won't work for me as well. Anyone knows the parameters necessary to set in the XML so it installs 2019? Tried like that but it still shows as 2016: Code: <Configuration> <Add Version="16.0.9001.2080" OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Perpetual2019" OfficeMgmtCOM="TRUE"> <Product ID="ProPlus2019Retail"> <Language ID="pt-br"/> </Product> <Product ID="ProjectPro2019Retail"> <Language ID="pt-br"/> </Product> <Product ID="VisioPro2019Retail"> <Language ID="pt-br"/> </Product> </Add> <Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE"/> <Logging Level="standard" Path="%temp%"/> <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> <Property Name="PinIconsToTaskbar" Value="FALSE" /> <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE"/> <Updates Enabled="TRUE" Channel="Perpetual2019"/> </Configuration>
Dogfood_CC : f3260cf1-a92c-4c75-b02e-d64c0a86a968 : 16.0.9029.2009 I download en-US because when trying to download pl-PL is ERROR. But trying to create an xml for installation 2019 is still a bug like above. I delete completely Office, I made a clean installation with xml from here. In order for the activation to work, I had to perform the overlay installation of the system because I removed something too much. But how to install Power Project Pro and Visio Pro 2019? The script needs to be updated
Guys I want to remove my current pirated office 365 and use my legal edition from my school. How can I fully remove office (including crack) so I can use official office like I never had the pirated version installed before?
i can't answer that with certainty but from what we can read in the link, it removes all office traces from the system but wait until someone else answers your question.
I just did a little bit of research and according to the developer I still need to remove the token files. Also, is it required to remove the KMS services? Or will the KMS activation automatically be removed once I delete the token file?