How to Use New Phoenix Bios Mod Tool to Modify Phoenix/Dell/Insyde/EFI Bios Files

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Busykid508, Nov 30, 2009.

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  1. Lenny

    Lenny MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2009
    made the change in notepad but still I got the same error
    more ideas?
    Thanks for your time!!!!
  2. Lenny

    Lenny MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2009
    No I havn't.
    because I'm a novice at this I tried to do It the easy way in windows first.
    Maybe I have to do my homework about flashing in dos first and then tried again.

    Toshiba - Satellite Pro A300-1G1
  3. Lenny

    Lenny MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2009
    Well I had to try that another day,
    Thanks for helping!
  4. venu

    venu MDL Addicted

    Oct 16, 2009
    Locked out of XP after mod!

    Hi everybody,
    I was using an old laptop with Fujitsu/Fujitsu Siemens SLP string (no SLIC table). I then modded the original (Phoenix) bios using the New Mod tool with the Fujitsu bin file. The bios flashed without a hitch but on bootup, my (previously) OEM activated windows XP told me there are 30 days left for activation and would log me off if I chose not to activate!
    For the record, I subsequently installed and activated Windows 7 by the OEM method. Everything works perfectly:D.
    But I am consumed with curiousity. I thought the mod didnt touch the SLP part..... If somebody could pl. enlighten for future reference.
  5. venu

    venu MDL Addicted

    Oct 16, 2009
    Asphix, Aint sure what you mean by wrong SLP. OEMBIOS tool, SLIC Dump Toolkit etc. say the bios has Fujitsu and Fujitsu siemens SLP string.
    Also, FYI, after failing with the Fujitsu bin, I remodded with FSC bin and that too failed.
    But my basic question is does SLIC insertion finger the SLP string also?
  6. Lenny

    Lenny MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2009
    I made It!!!
    I found what's wrong, a smaller change in platform.ini and It flash.
    Thanks Busykid508 and Asphix for all your help!


    Toshiba - Satellite Pro A300-1G1 (slic 2.1)
  7. Rippa_MD

    Rippa_MD MDL Novice

    Aug 27, 2009

    don't extract it. run the xxx.exe but don't flash just leave it running don't click continue/enter, while it's waiting for you to click 'enter' to flash (or whatever button it is I forget) look at your temp folder.

    to help you find the bios file in your temp folder, look at the name of your hp flash program in your xxx.exe and do a search for it, once found, open the folder that was created inside the temp folder..this folder has all the extracted files from your xxx.exe files but with only one bios file. this is the bios file you will use/mod and then flash.
  8. CaptainZok

    CaptainZok MDL Novice

    Dec 13, 2009
    Thanks for this BusyKid, just modded my acer travelmate7720 to an acer SLIC 2.1 bios and it worked like a charm, despite my worrying at every stage.
    Great walkthrough.
  9. Barvinok

    Barvinok MDL Novice

    Nov 2, 2009
    Hi Busykid and all other gurus!

    I need your assistance or advice.

    My laptop is Dell Inspiron 1720, it has SLIC 2.0 installed and Vista worked great.
    Now I want to upgrade it to 2.1 and Win7. Carefully following first post instructions I found out that PhonenixTool will only allow me to specify "SLIC Pubkey" and "SLIC Marker" fields, while the rest are greyed out. Moreover, those fields will only accept *.PUBKEY and *.MARKER files respectively. Although they sit in SLIC folder I am unsure if those are of 2.1 version. Most likely not. But folders related to 2.1 do not have anything with PUBKEY and MARKER extensions and do not bear similarity in size and content of the files.

    So my question is, what files should I specify as pubkey and marker to get my Dell BIOS upgraded to 2.1 ?

    Thanks in advance.
  10. Barvinok

    Barvinok MDL Novice

    Nov 2, 2009
    thanks phrunt, that worked great.
    phoenixtool distro should have been more clear about versions of the slic ;)
  11. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    Are you trying to do a SLP mod for XP or SLIC for Win7, I just noticed you mention XP in the info you've given
  12. exorcist

    exorcist MDL Junior Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    Could someone tell me if the Phoenixtool is x64 compatible have searched and searched and can't find the answer I have tried running it with my acer bios and get loads of "failed to extract errors".

    Cheers :)
  13. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
    it does run fine on x64, what bios are you getting failed to extract errors on, its most likely something else causing the problem.
  14. exorcist

    exorcist MDL Junior Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    The bios is Acer aspire 6930G v3238 i have tested the tool & bios on a 32bit system and worked fine but i am moving to 64bit and dont want to be left unable to use the tool.
  15. Nosidak

    Nosidak MDL Junior Member

    Dec 21, 2009
    Hi i moddiefied my bios file. it has a .ima file extension. how do flash my bios with this file. it originally came in a bootable iso and it was in the bootimages folder.
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