How to Verify the Digital Signature of a SLIC not true try out the code I posted A shortcut would not work as each folder / project would have its own .ctb files you need something that can on the fly add paths. Its either this or you end up with a plot sytle table on the network that has thousands of .ctb files.
You can actually put way more than that. I have a 120 gig hard drive. You can have up to a 137 gig b4 you have to worry about partitioning the drives. First plug in your new 80 gig hd. Then just go to "Disk Tools", "New Hard Drive Upgrade", then "Prepare and Format New Hard Drive". Follow the on screen instructions you have to press x once or twice and y once I think then itll say its done Not so hard was it?
May Crypto give more details please? (eg: how the file extensions of those required files look like) Anyway, thanks for your useful post (at least for MDL members, but not for me as I don't know how to use those tools)
is binary before SHA-256 hash of message ("00 30 31 30 0D 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 01 05 00 04 20") just random number ?