Yes I do understand what you thankfully mentioned above, but what I am asking about is how or where to find .msi of office OneNote 2016 because I've Click2Run version of Office 2019 and I want to install 2019 1st as a Click2Run and then install OneNote 2016 MSI, unless I am mistaken or if I am still did not get it correctly.
All office VL versions use MSI Technologie Office VL = MSI So since office VL versions use MSI technologie, you cannot install MSI and C2R together unless both office have different versions which is not the case regarding the scenario that you want to do. I hope that it's clear now But why do you insist on having OneNote 2016 VL installed with office 2019 when your problem was solved ?
Does there is a way to convert it in my own to .msi? Thanks a lot for clearing that my friend. Thanks for your question, yes it did solved this time but when I want to install it on another machine, or for a new windows installation on the same machine I do not want to download it like what I did this time but want to use an offline installer, this is the reason for my asking for an offline installer for OneNote2016. If you have a better idea please go ahead my friend Thanks
go to this link Onenote are included with office 2019 ! office 2019 are only click to run ( retail and Volume )