@dhjohns are you Microsoft customer service representative or some windows fan boi? Of course windows is spying and seeing from your posts you replied to my thread where I have said you can only reinstall windows 5 times then your key gets permanently blocked you said you reinstalled windows multiple times and it worked you simply lied because you're Microsoft full of crapware lier. Windows 10 is Microsofts the most rubbish os full of crapware spyware and all this free year upgrade is just a lie to make people upgrade from win 7 to 10 block their 7 keys then after they reinstall windows 10 5 times block their win 10 keys too and force them to pay for full of crapware and spyware os. DISGUSTING!
The network traffic isn't evidence? What planet are you on? You have an OS that constantly communicates at the desktop level without the user doing anything. I'm not talking about asking Cortana for help, I'm talking about sitting there idle. Rather than a screensaver, they may as well show a Wireshark or Fiddler traffic capture window...but that's not "evidence"? I had 10, I liked 10. I enjoyed using 10 with all the naughty spying bits turned off; it was still a great OS. The issues I have is that a) they're no longer releasing KB articles which is b) exacerbated by the fact that you cannot opt out of updates even with Pro. c) You have all the sketchy business going on in the background despite being disabled and (I'll repeat) things turned themselves back on with the 2 workstations running 10 I had at home. Hey, if that's acceptable to you and feasible to you, then by all means, enjoy. I'm not a tinfoil hat guy, but that doesn't sit right with me. None of that does. If you can't accept network traffic from the OS outbound taking place on it's own with no reason to it as evidence, then obviously we're on different worlds here. They tried to backport telemetry and CEIP/spying in 7; I refuse those updates. My workstations sit here with no unrequested or disallowed mysterious network traffic passing through. I am in control. I'm running their software on my hardware; my computer is still mine. I tell their software what to do, what it's allowed to do, and when it's allowed to do it. Now, I'm not saying that there's not tinfoil hat guys out there who say that 7 spies or 8 spies; hell people said that about XP. What I am saying is I trust 7 a helluva lot more than I trust anything since because I can see with my own eyes what 7 is doing, and it's not really doing ANYTHING I don't want it to do. I can't say the same thing about 10, so 10 is no longer on my systems and it won't be ever again. I've seen enough to "ban it" from my home. They may eventually come out and say "we're sorry, we changed it", and I wouldn't trust them for one bit. I generally trust MS to do what they say they're gonna do (or at least I have thus far), but they've lost me since Win8.
I was using win 7 for the last few years then when win 10 came out thought will uograde and see if it work better if there are improvements, I don't use windows for gaming only for a bit of surfing and things like after effect 3ds max. After I installed Windows 10 cortana popped out saying "hi would you let me access your contacts?" then "would you let me access your documents?" then files and all that crapware stuff in win 10 as month passed I had enough and wanted to go back to Windows 7 installed win 7 back and tried to activate it but my key was blocked genuine key. Thought will contact Microsoft and they will help me there's that Microsoft tech support website where you can chat with their team, I wasted hours talking to some woman from Philippines who did nothing to help me activate windows 7 in the end I thought I will install windows 10 back as I found after month of using Windows 10 your win 7 and 8 keys get blocked by crapsoft When I installed Windows 10 it got activated but I just had to get rid of that crap cortana and other crap spyware using MSMG and Install_wim_tweak as I learned sometimes windows got broken and had to install it again after 5 times I couldn't activate it anymore but at least finally got rid of tones of useless packages. I was curious if Microsoft is blocking keys after you reinstall windows several times so I tried the same thing on my other pc and that key got blocked too. Didn't bother calling or chatting to Microsoft as they don't fell like helping anybody. Windows 10 has pluses over 7 one it takes less space second use less ram but it's also filled with tones of apps people never use plus spyware on scale Microsoft didn't do it before.
@David34 While I was testing WIndows 10 I re-installed it like 20 times or even more, never had activation problems. If you are mainly surfing, you might try Linux instead. Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon is a pretty nice and compact OS.
The servers can change all they like, if the traffic FROM the Windows components is blocked OUTBOUND that won't make a difference as long as Windows Update is kept disabled. Blocking their entire IP range via Peerblock is just a nice extra.
tell me what I should do to make reduce collecting data, I know I cant stop M$, (as disable Cortana and Diagnosting tracking service ...)
If you follow my patented instructions, I will guarantee you 100% privacy, both in your life and on the Internet. Sound good? Yes, it does, doesn't it? Music to your ears. OK, it's simple. You send me a certified cashier's check for $999.95 (cheap price to pay for absolute privacy for the rest of your life, right?) and in return, as soon as it clears your bank, I will send you my exclusive Right To Privacy PhD certificate and brainiac-approved privacy course issued by the prestigious Duck University medical school right here in the US of R (college degree is lifelike and suitable for framing and wall hanging.) Yes, you heard right. I will make you an expert on privacy--amaze your friends, astound your cousins! You will be known henceforth as "the answer man" at parties and social gatherings everywhere! You know what...since I am among friends here, I'm going to waive my customary fee and simply provide you with the instructions you need to achieve and possibly even maintain 100% privacy in your life, you poor, abused, trampled human being who has been ruthlessly whipped and beaten by the relentless corporate machine! How dare those horrible people offer to give you something free--has to be a honey-pot, right? Got to! Yea! (Please be advised that since I am performing what is essentially a public service that there will be no PhD certificate for you, however, unless and until I receive the above-mentioned remuneration.) Patented Instruction #1: Stay at home and never leave your home again, for any reason. The problem with leaving home is one not fully appreciated by lesser minds in the privacy field. I will show you how to stay at home, forever, guaranteeing your freedom from the teeming, slavering, germ-infested mobs that inhabit the highways and byways of all public streets and shopping areas! I even include a few tips on how to keep your home safe from foreclosure and your utilities turned on even though you must, of course, terminate any employment which requires you to leave the sanctity of your home and violates your privacy in the process. My course will teach you how to tear-down the foreclosure signs the bank puts up in front of your house, how to successfully hide from the Sheriff when he's sent out to evict you, and how to splice into your neighbor's power lines undetected! Such exciting knowledge now can be yours! Patented Instruction #2: Permanently disconnect from the Internet and cancel your other communications utilities like phone service, etc. Why? Because they can listen in, and they can spy on you as you browse the Internet, right? We both know that they are everywhere, relentlessly set upon divulging even your innermost thoughts if only they could reach them...! Don't delay, act today! The only thing you have to lose is your privacy! (The above message is brought to you by the Institute for Clear Thought & Righteous Satire, and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.)