363CF1D.bin renamed to 363E.bin in root of usb or in Hewlett-Packard\BIOS\Current or in Previous. (forgot which works root on special folder in these models.. i think in root of usb works but its not RSA signed) since its not RSA signed the backup might be able to be flashed with flash tool but i think it needs the dloaded bios not the backup.
Всем привет помогите востановить recover bios hp pavilion g6-1210sr rev3567-120 help recovery bios не получаеться с флэшки 2гига и кнопки w+b не помогают:достоин::достоин::достоин::достоин:
Hello help restore recover bios hp pavilion g6-1210sr rev3567-120 help recovery bios not poluchaetsya from flash 2giga and buttons w + b does not help
Hello help restore recover bios hp pavilion g6-1210sr rev3567-120 help recovery bios not poluchaetsya from flash 2giga and buttons w + b does not help download the BIOS utility raspokoval it opened it created files got them then the utility creates a stick and threw the files there 03564BIN.03564.SIG then did everything according to the instructions did not happen does not read from flash files what's wrong key combination does not work h
что придеться выпаивать микросхему биос и прошивать ее that will have to unsolder the BIOS chip and flashed her
how the files on the flash drive copy format in the bin and whitefish there are instructions somewhere or it will go Download the BIOS update package for your laptop (I used sp55657.exe). Do not run it . Unzip the update as an archive . I used the free 7 -Zip. It may be that lies within another file - in my case it was in older versions of the update - and unpack it. Find the uncompressed data file with the extension . FD. In my case it was called 0143B.fd. Download PhoenixTool. I used version 2.09. Open to PhoenixTool your *. Fd. In the folder with *. Fd will be a lot of files , including - *. Fd.DEC and RSA.SIG. Rename them to *. Fd and *. Sig respectively. In my case, I renamed them and 0143B.fd 0143B.sig. Download HP BIOS Update (UEFI) (sp47942.exe) from loosely HP. Start , choose a location for the installation - USB flash. On the flash drive will create the directory structure and files. In the folder with the original *. Fd locate the folder DUMP ( which was created by the program PhoenixTool), and in it find the file 3D17205B-4C49-47E2- 8157 -864CD3D80DBD_1_779.ROM ( it's called that way) . Open it with a text editor , try the ANSI and UTF16. Toward the end find a way kind of \ HEWLETT-PACKARD \ BIOS \ Current \ 0143B.bin. This is the path and file name in which you have to copy the *. Fd, from step 6. The file *. Sig lay nearby. In my case, I copied the two files to a flash drive : G: \ HEWLETT-PACKARD \ BIOS \ Current \ 0143B.bin and G: \ HEWLETT-PACKARD \ BIOS \ Current \ 0143B.sig. Remove the battery from the laptop , unplug the power supply. Insert the flash drive into the laptop. We strongly recommend disabling it from the previous device in safe mode. Hold down the Windows + B ( as stated on offsayte HP, but , according to forum users , there may also be a combination of Fn + B, Windows + Esc, Fn + Esc). Without releasing the keys to connect the power supply , press the power button. Laptop turns on. If it turns off after 3-7 seconds - continue to hold the button until the display reading from a flash drive . If everything is correct , then most likely, in a few seconds you will see a blinking light flashes - read data, then the screen flashing BIOS, then reboot the laptop , notifies that the BIOS has been restored and will follow the normal boot process . What if ... ... PhoenixTool reports that it can not open the file *. Fd. Try a newer version of PhoenixTool ( one version 1.xx I could not open 0143B.fd). You can also try an older version of updating the BIOS. ... Power indicator lights flash , but it's not like anything is read from it , then the laptop is switched off again . Verify correct *. Fd. With flash ... something is read , but the screen is black and the laptop turns off shortly stick and off. Make sure that you have taken *. Fd after treatment with PhoenixTool ( ie , *. Fd.DEC). Check that laid next to him *. Sig. Be sure to create a USB flash drive using the HP BIOS
I am having this problem with my Pavilion dv7: CAPS & NUM Lock flash twice. My laptop has no battery, no hdd, is powered solely by being plugged in. I have unplugged it, forced shut down (by holding the power button) waited 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 2 minutes, etc. and the screen remains black. I have also removed the BIOS battery (1 day). Since the screen is black, I am not able to run any of the Fx suggestions, or any other type of startup. I tried several times Windows+B combination with two usb sticks, the last one... an old USB stick with 128MB formatted as FAT16 and with HP_TOOLS installed. The BIOS file to flash is 3635F12, extracted from sp46804. I tried also with the oldest sp45171 and his 3635F03.FD bios file renamed as 3635.BIN, 3635.WPH, F03.BIN After read those 31 pages of posts, I did a lot things with PhoenixTool219, but I did not get any sig file. I tried with 3639.BIN after read about numbers under battery too. HDD still has originals partitions (4): Windows, Recovery, HP_TOOLS and System. Can you HELP ME? Product: VT360EA#ABE Model: dv7-3020es Under battery: REV: 3639-200 Thanks!
me loading from usb 363F.bin about 1 minute and then end up nothing and did not restart the flashing light and 2x black screen advice please
it gets kinda funny to see so many people think their DV7 has a bios issue.. when its GPU reflow needed.
Hello to all! I bricked my laptop bios Model: HP Pavillion DV6-1020el. The PC seems to start but then it stops just charge Bios (Update gone bad) I read a lot but I could not restore it. I can only retrieve it via USB, the HDD is new!!!! --------------------------------------------------------- From the HP website I downloaded the latest bios: sp54629.exe decompress in a folder and I get the following files: 3623F46.fd Ding.wav InsydeFlash.exe InsydeFlash.Log iscflash.dll iscflash.sys iscflashx64.sys platform.ini ----------------------------------------- Now through "PhoenixTool" I open the file "3623F46.fd" and get 2 files called "BIOS0.BIOS" and "BIOS5.BIOS" also a folder with many small files called "DUMP" WHAT SHOULD I RENAME AND WHERE TO PUT THE FILES? --------------------------------------------- I have a USB of 1gb ready for "HP_TOOLS" With all the folders and subfolders in order. Please help me. Forgive my English translated.
if no .bin.DEC created means its NOT RSA signed. on phoenixtool doe NOT say DECRYPTED. = no need for .SIG file. look under battery for the proper name REV: 36xx that would be 36xx.bin or .fd or 036xx.
Thanks for your interest! I do not read any code under my battery, I'll send you the link of the photos. Try looking through you please! Replace the "w" to "X" to see the photos. xxx.dropbox.com/s/tb3zdeqc3qpdrat/2013-10-15%2016.25.33.jpg xxx.dropbox.com/s/sgi2dimgt4e0qff/2013-10-15%2016.25.42.jpg xxx.dropbox.com/s/48sicupn0i09mw0/2013-10-15%2016.26.39.jpg xxx.dropbox.com/s/vghd1anfuzdv9gw/2013-10-15%2016.26.10.jpg
its one of these [Platform_Check] flag=2 PlatformName=3627 PlatformName2=3628 PlatformName3=3629 PlatformName4=3623 PlatformName5=3624
I tried to rename the file "3623F46.fd" to "3623.BIN" and copied to the folder (G= USB) : G:\Hewlett-Packard\BIOS\Current Restart pc with Key "windows+B+ Power" usb inserted BUT does not work! I also tried to change his name to : 3623.BIN 3627.BIN 3628.BIN 3629.BIN 3624.BIN nothing nothing nothing nothing!!!!!! PC only emits sounds (Beep) So what do I do? I can indicate the procedure? Sorry to bother you.
are u sure its bios and not bad chipset solder ? ty also .fd and add a 0 in front 0362x.fd ? or bin ? Current.. and Previous