depends on your video card FD#01=PCI,0,0,0,00,FFFFFFFF,96011022,0165CF6A.BIN FD#02=PCI,0,0,0,00,FFFFFFFF,15101022,0165EF6A.BIN FD#03=PCI,0,0,0,00,FFFFFFFF,17051022,03564F6A.BIN these are device id of amd video cards then the vendor id is 1022 for amd/ati
Thanks for the reply Latin My video card is ATI Radeon HD 4250. Its id is 9715. So this matches closely with 9601 above. So is 0165CF6A.BIN the correct file to work with? Thanks
Under battery says 1664. How do i know if its 0165CF6A.BIN or 0165EF6A.BIN? Do you know if the laptop will only read the usb if it finds the correct bin file or should the usb led always flash when using win + B held. Thanks again
Still no luck. No getting any led flash from usb. Its strange i got it working few weeks ago. Only thing changed was put in cmos battery. Ive read about flashing the bios using dos? Does hp support dos bios flashing. Any other things to try
Hi to whoever is still here, I have a long story... After years of people having trouble with HP I wonder who still buys their crap. I know I don't, but a friend of mine did, a G6-1016EQ, 1669-100 ID. The youtube videos are buffering on his 72 Mb/s Broadcom wifi and wanted to upgrade. Brought it to me. That's when I found up about the whitelist thing. Searched the web for solutions and found 2 patched Bios versions by camiloml. Tried the newest one and had it not start anymore. Blank screen, 3 flashes by caps lock. Removed CMOS battery to reset it and started an endless loop of on/off by itself. Only the win+b combination would not continue the loop. Tried different UEFI environment versions, different bios versions, none would work. Spent hours reading this thread and trying all the combinations. What did work was the following: as there were 3 flashes I suspected the RAM to be the culprit, though it has no sense as the thing had no problems with it before the bios update. I kept switching the one module between the banks. I also sticked to the UEFI environment version I downloaded for the G6-1016EQ and the last F.66 version from the HP website. I then read someone put in, along the 01669.bin and 01669.sig, the original names, 01666.bin and 01666.sig. I tried that too, in all the folders, current, new, old and in the root of the drive. Though I don't think it had to do with that it finally WORKED . I even had to choose from witch file to update since there were 2 versions on the drive, though they were identical. I believe the tinkering with the ram module finally started the process. But you can try with more than one number in those folders to see if it makes a difference. The hard drive was disconnected during all this. I want to thank all of you who posted the feedback of your experience with HP. Allot of people need it. Thanks to LatinMcG in particular for all his time spent on this forum, he helped allot of people. About the reflow of the board or chips on it, I don't know what to say. Some people may have had results, but from what I experienced I think there's some luck involved. You just have to keep trying and will eventually work. If indeed the HP boards are so badly soldered there's another reason to not buy HP anymore. I know I wont . It was a long post but I wanted to be as detailed as possible, because the ones who come here for help are novices at all this and need the exact steps. And the first post steps are all you need to get it to work. It just doesn't say it doesn't work on the first try, YOU HAVE TO KEEP TRYING!
Hi Dorio Im still having no luck getting my g7-1167dx to flash. I somehow cant get it to read the usb. No led light on usb. Tried all usb ports. Which fat version did you format your usb and what size is ur usb drive. Mine is blinking twice for bios corruption. I see your blinked 3 times indicating ram problem. So when you changed the ram module did it go back to 2 blinks? Im just hoping i having bricked the bios boot block or whatever its called as i was succesful in bios recovery few weeks ago but i hadnt the two pin cmos battery inserted so i dont think the bios settings saved. Since then i cant get it to read usb at all. How can you tell if bios boot block is corrupted? If i remove the ram i hear loud beeps and 3 flashes so does this mean that the boot block is ok if it can still post? Do you know if the usb drive led will flash even though you havent the correct bios files on the drive. If the usb led doesnt flash if it hasnt the correct bios file then at least this would narrow down the problem. I presume the usb must always be read as it has to look to see if it contains the correct bios file? Thanks for any info
I had only 3 caps lock flashes. I used a Kingston DTSE9 8GB formated FAT32 in Windows 10. This drive has no LED to see if it gets accessed but the laptop has a HDD access LED. This way I could see if the USB drive gets accessed. You should disconnect all other drives when trying to read the USB. If still isn't read, even after trying with other drives, it seems your USB ports might be dead. You could try to select a HDD partition named HP_TOOLS to write the UEFI environment tool and put the BIOS on that partition and use the Win+B+Power combination. In theory it should work as that's the way it was done when the laptop was shipped. I didn't try this, I don't know if it's working and can't try it anymore as don't have the HP laptop. If still isn't working you should search a service center to re-flash your BIOS with a SPI programmer.
Hi HP Envy 23 (AIO) Shipped with Windows 8 Motherboard: IPSIB-NK v1.05 (Lavaca3-SB) Problem board does not boot (power yes, fan yes, power light on board yes, No Power to screen, black screen) I had SPI flasher and backed up my unbootable bios.bin flashing a newer bios via programmer BOOTS but deletes my windows licence information so can i extract windows info from old bios and transfer to new bios then flash? If not i think i need to flash old bios and try this way but for my sp77842.exe only contains 01218.s12) no other matching sig only ODE_A012.bin?? I tried like at least 300 times to boot EFI\HP\BIOS\Current but it simply doesn't with this current corrupted bios so i think my best bet is flash new bios with info extracted from old (hoping someone can help) got 6 beeps on corrupted bios If not can someone direct me to my boardID:12WE i think this might be the one but HP do not want us to complete the download sp72954 or is there a way i can boot into windows with new unlicenced bios and insert info that way...i doubt it but Anyway any help gratefully appreciated tried extracting using phoenixtool266 loading backedup unbootablegives a load of rom files only - i think HP Envy 23 is perhaps not supported What bother me is that I have lost my licence and cant install windows legitimatly for a legitimatly bought HP windows licence. (I feel the only way I can do this is either somehow extract licence/SKU/Serial/Model info from backed up unbootable bios1.bin (v8.10) (using flash programmer) and transfer to latest bios2.bin (v8.17) - though this will rely on the possiblilty someone who can actually do this) The alternative is re-flash unworking bios and continue to try the HP_BOOT method which I am pretty sure is incompatible with the HP Envy 23 AIO (d035ea) (that is using "USBHIDDEN"\EFI\HP\BIOS\Current etc
your MSDM data is were the key is in bios for win 8. i would just break bios into 1/4 and copy paste from new to backup (replace 1/4 of your backup at a time) until it boots and has msdm data. in efi tool u can see hex addresses and see about where it is in hexeditor.
oh well no worries, i did what you suggest when it finally booted though info on msdm was not present i tried both ways taking 1/4 from new to old so 4 quarters tried individually and also a mix of quarters from new to old also tried other way of taking quarter of old to new and booting with that still no luck thanks for all your help it was appreciated
Oh my after all your hard work and now with this information i should be able to correct the last digit issue myself too you beauty!!! I can't thank you enough for your help. there is no way i would have done it myself - how did you find that (i'm guessing search for 4 dashes(-) with 5 gaps apart - not that i would know how to do that or with what lol Greatest thanks