HP Probook/Elitebook BIOS Password Reset [Utility]

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Mazzif, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    I am still working towards a **70 Series solution. At this time, they are not supported.
  2. Samuel006

    Samuel006 MDL Novice

    May 28, 2014
    I set all 0's, but now get: "Manufacturing Program Mode Set: 7 of 10" :(
    View attachment 29165

    And countdown is working - now "8 of 10".
  3. ZooMMooZ

    ZooMMooZ MDL Novice

    May 27, 2014
    I successfully updated the BIOS to version F.46 via usb according to your method then back to F.06 then again to F.46 and every time it worked like a charm And the password remains locked, So Now the question is can i use the same method to inject a 8460p BIOS on 8470p ??
    and there for using your software to unlock this one, or will it Brick My Bios ??
  4. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    Interesting error:

  5. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    No you can not, the file is incompatible and it will not load. This will also prevent you from bricking your laptop.
  6. DarkD1988

    DarkD1988 MDL Novice

    May 30, 2014
    Hey Guys,
    first of all thx for this Forum.
    My Problem is that I have a laptop Compaq 8510p from a Friend and there is a Setup Password set from the Bank he worked for a while.
    Now I tried many Steps, Battery etc. And now I found this Forum and I think thats the last Hope.
    I also tried to make a Bios update but its not working. I Formatted the Stick as prefered.
    Can anyone help me pls?
  7. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    I cant say with 100% certainty for this model specifically, but a lot of the HP Compaq business class notebooks can have their BIOS Passwords removed by removing the CMOS battery. Remove the Laptop battery, remove power. Disassemble using guides specific to your model, locate the CMOS battery, unplug it. Press and hold the power button to discharge any leftover energy. Plug in AC power and power on the laptop, (should see a error about date and time) press F10 to enter BIOS. Good luck!
  8. DarkD1988

    DarkD1988 MDL Novice

    May 30, 2014
    Thx for your reply, but Problem is, I can see a Time & Date Message but if I but F10 then it asks me for a
    Password "Setup Password" then I have 3 Attempts befor it freeze.
  9. mrclfdz

    mrclfdz MDL Novice

    Mar 7, 2014
    hi Mazzif, any advance on the hp probook 4330s?
  10. janno

    janno MDL Novice

    Jun 3, 2014
    Hi Mazzif,

    First of all, thanks for this great tool, truly a very handy escape for locked BIOS's & forgotten passwords :)

    My laptop, a 6560b is not in the list of supported models, but I nevertheless tried your tool and I think it succeeded.
    I can now enter the BIOS again, updated it successfully, and I'm able to modify its settings again.

    But each time I reboot the laptop, I get to see the message "Manufacturing Program Mode Set : xx of 10".
    I've read from an earlier post that this seems to be expected behavior when using your tool on a 6560b model.
    And that when the counter reaches 10, that message should disappear permanently without any other issues.

    After I ran the 'ALL' sequence, it unlocked my BIOS, and I then had to reprogram, entering P/N, S/N, etc.
    But it does not ask for a UUID, apparently, it recreates an UUID based on the other info you have to enter at the REPROGRAM stage?
    I do have my previous UUID though (made a note of it before using your tool), is there any way to enter this previous UUID back into the laptop?
    Is it even necessary to put the old UUID back into the laptop, in order to restore all functionality?
    Will I perhaps stumble onto certain restrictions or issues later on, caused by this BIOS wipe & reprogram? (and certain info/data being not correct anymore)

  11. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    1) Your welcome!

    2) It is my experience NO! It is not required

    3) Not that I am aware of. HP BIOS allow for regeneration of UUID on the fly, you can change it multiple times (using my tool, option 3 to reprogram, then option x "PRESS 'X' TO RESET THE UUID ON REBOOT") without affecting issue of functionality. At least in my testing, and I've change UUID more times in testing then would probably ever need to done.
  12. cyber9uy

    cyber9uy MDL Novice

    Jun 6, 2014
    #335 cyber9uy, Jun 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  13. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    Your welcome.

    So FINALLY, I have gotten my hands on a **70 series (8470). Time to put forth some of my ideas.
  14. ZooMMooZ

    ZooMMooZ MDL Novice

    May 27, 2014
    Looking forward for any progress, can't wait to re-enable Visualization technology

    thx in advance :)
  15. MIKE_R

    MIKE_R MDL Novice

    Jun 16, 2014

    Just wanted to say *THANK YOU*. I purchased an 8540W from a friend, but he had forgotten the BIOS pw. After fruitlessly trying to recover it, we gave up and started searching and came across your utility. Downloaded the .rar file, created the USB .IMG and ran thru the 1st and 2nd steps in the batch file, was able to clear and reset the BIOS pw within minutes. Outstanding!

    Please let me know where I can Paypal a donation-thanks!
  16. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    Im glad it worked well for you. I have tried to make a complicated process as simple as possible. It doesn't always work this way due to unforeseen issues, but your experience is what I had in mind. Enjoy your unlocked laptop! :cap:
  17. ching42

    ching42 MDL Novice

    Mar 5, 2014
    Hi Mazzif,
    My elitebook 6930p when power on show Warning
    Error verifying Embedded Security password. Press Enter to continue. so I can't reset administrator bios password and can not boot up from usb port or internal hdd.What it the solution for this prob. Thank