HP Probook/Elitebook BIOS Password Reset [Utility]

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Mazzif, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. wagggy

    wagggy MDL Novice

    Aug 30, 2014
    Thanks I tried that, i can access laptop using general login but i need Admin password to allow any alterations to laptop, i downloaded the HP software manager , when i try to run it UAC kicks in asking for admin and password. If i try to open a DOS screen as soon as i select "open as administrator UAC kicks in. if i try and turn UAC off it asks for Admin password. everything i do it asks for admin password. cannot change time or date. i removed Bios battery and Date has changed to 1/1/1980, when im on internet ,every site it says webites security certificate is wrong as date is too far forward for it.. thanks for helping, i think the only way round it is Mazzif,s program.
  2. coleoptere2007

    coleoptere2007 MDL Guru

    Apr 8, 2008
    try password as the password :)
    btw is it the admin bios password u need or the admin password for windows ?
  3. wagggy

    wagggy MDL Novice

    Aug 30, 2014
    what im trying to do is remove all the stuff on there and start with a fresh windows. if i could turn off UAC then it might be enough. i can get in as a basic admin login but not as full admin rights. tried "password" and admin user etc but its locked. laptop was used by my uncle in singapore as he travelled with his job, he retired 2 years ago and found the laptop when clearing out his home. it was used on a network so its asks for network password but i can avoid that by logging in as as admin without a password. if i go into bios it asks for password , its obviously well protected in case of loss. theres no work files on it just personal stuff,
  4. wagggy

    wagggy MDL Novice

    Aug 30, 2014
    i downloaded your program , copied it to laptop. when i run it UAC pops up and asks for admin logon. tried pressing shift 5 times and box says do you want to turn sticky keys on..
    can i run it another way.
  5. coleoptere2007

    coleoptere2007 MDL Guru

    Apr 8, 2008
    well i think ur user account is a standard one (not in the admin group). even if you try to activate the admin account in order to reset the password, it will fail. So the best solution is to clean the system by formating the drive and reinstall an OS. Sorry to not help u more as i haven't other ideas. Perhaps the last solution is to use Dart7 (this a set of tool that can permit to reset the password). Hoping ur using W7 but u must install it on another laptop/workstation in order to create a bootable usb key and use it on the machine with the problem.
  6. wagggy

    wagggy MDL Novice

    Aug 30, 2014
    the bios is locked and it will only let me boot from USB, HDD or ethernet. can i put dos on a usb and boot from that and then format c drive. im used to using windows boot disks but it will not access the cd/dvd drive on boot up. thanks again for your help.
  7. coleoptere2007

    coleoptere2007 MDL Guru

    Apr 8, 2008
    you can create an installation of W7 with an usb key by using rufus;)
  8. wagggy

    wagggy MDL Novice

    Aug 30, 2014
    sorry about delay, tried using the OPH on usb but it failed to find passwords,, then after watching your video on how to use HP Bios reset realised where im going wrong , i used the Backup instead of Restore, re done the usb and it loaded fine managed to delete bios password. Next time i booted to Bios it told me to change Date and time and allowed me in. at least i can now reload windows as a new machine. thanks for all your help. still cannot turn off UAC on windows7 but will have to use a copy of vista i have to replace it.

  9. deepinthecode

    deepinthecode MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2014
    Use "Make All" and if your model isn't in output it won't work. I tried this on various probooks not metioned, like 4440S, and it didn't work even using "all"/"shotgun"(both the same batch file).

    I see the author says chance it, but out of 5 unlisted models in the same era and class as the supported ones none worked with any of the "keys" using "shotgun"/"all"("keys" are really just individual real-mode/"DOS" executable called by the batch file you run). Looks like there is a per-motherboard-model key, and judging from ebay it's in flash(called CMOS) and not an encrypted TPM module(most supported modules don't even have TPM options)..
  10. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    I need help! ...and just to clarify

    ***I'm looking for anyone with an HP 2570p to contact me. Im looking to test a new unlock. PM Me****

    What were your 5 Models?

    Close but not quite.
    Initially when you boot to USB you are presented options.

    Choose 'ALL' to run through all the keys produced from my Windows based utility
    Choose 'DOS' to launch the DOS version of my Utility.
    From DOS, you can create a single key based on Model, or simply run shotgun. Both bat files here are named 'shotgun.bat' but they are different. In fact, they reside in different locations. Quite simply, not the same. They do work on the same principal, calling each unique key that is produced for your laptop in sequence, hoping to make a match.

    Keep in mind, when I originally wrote that line (and this was quite some time ago), there was only a small handful of models supported (5 or 6). Through user feedback after them running 'all', or 'shotgun', we built that list up to its impressive 22 :clap:

    Yes the Key is an exe. This key is created for your specific machine based on your laptop's SN and UUID. When you 'Make All' or run 'shotgun', you are creating up to ~40 separate unique keys, for a chance to unlock.

    Your welcome! :p
  11. deepinthecode

    deepinthecode MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2014

    Also 4340s, 4430s, and 6470s today. Every method on all. We actually have every ProBook and EliteBook model ever made in most configurations(vPro, TPM, biometrics, CompuTrace, SSD, CPU variants etc), these are just some we tested on. We just got in hundreds of 4440s of all configuration and a lot have Admin BIOS passwords.

    I looked at some of your "keys" in IDA and it looks like you patch and flash BIOS dumps and use the UUID and SN just to calculate offsets, they aren't actually written. I guess you too have a lot of units and used HP's support utility on them and get the per-board authentication number. This is why I suspect you're likely not going to get results on anything outside what's listed in "\ALL".

    I think people will be confused when you say "you can create a single key based on Model". Your tool can only do what you've specifically added.
  12. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    You can think that, but I'll assure you, no one gets confused. I have listed what models my system works with. And as I have said in comments many times, No support for **70 Series, and I have also stated no support for 4th Gen (2012) Probooks. 4440s, 4540s, 4740s,6570s all came out in 2012, The one 'sort of' exception here is the 4530s, that was 3rd gen 2011, but it's still not on my supported list. Both my Windows based utility and my DOS based utility allow for a single model key creation, that produces 1 file. Shotgun is just more fun I guess. Must be the name.
    View attachment 30660

    Yea, that's kinda how it works. I think when a program does something outside of it's intended purpose or design, it's called a bug or a glitch. But this is also why there is the list of supported models. Yup, those are the ones I've specifically added.

    Your right, you wrote my programs. I guess your name says it all, lol. I forgot that part about how you know better then me, what they do. I better go review my source code. :zwinker: Especially that part where my windows based utility 'writes' files to the USB.

    I'm not really sure what your point is here, but I appreciate your interest, just as the many who have had their laptops unlocked appreciate mine.
  13. deepinthecode

    deepinthecode MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2014

    • You forgot to mention a lot of this, which is probably why this thread is back-linked in most top indexed results for support forum threads on those 2012 models(the only reason I came here in the first place)..
    • No I just looked at how they worked since you suggest in some places undocumented support for some models which didn't seem to be the case..
    • What does writing to USB have to do with my statement "I looked at some of your "keys" in IDA and it looks like you patch and flash BIOS dumps and use the UUID and SN just to calculate offsets, they aren't actually written" which clearly refers to writing to CMOS or FLASH, or "TPM" as you call it(FYI TPM has nothing to do with BIOS security anywhere it's a PCI encryption host not even on at least 90% of the supported models).

  14. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    I get it, I say what I support, but not what I don't?..except several times throughout this thread? I lied, I don't get it.

    Most here usually just ask, "Hey Mazzif, what about (insert model)?", so I'll sum it up for real quick though. None of your listed models are supported.

    As for the TPM, well you're the expert again, I guess...except that your math is backwards. 20 of the 22 (That's 90.09% BTW), excluding the 2 **10 Series are documented having:

    • TPM 1.2 Embedded Security Chip
    After running My tools on these 20 models (or almost 91% of my supported models):
    6550B, 2530P, 6930P, 8530W, 8460P, 6460B, 2230S, 6455B, 2730P, 8530P, 2740P, 6535B, 6730B, 6735B, 8730W, 2560P, 8560P, 8440P, 8540W, 8560W

    You are greeted with a TPM Reset Screen.

    View attachment 30663

    The process by which we clear the password is also resetting the TPM.

    Last note before bed:
    Trusted Computing Group (TCG), TPM Main Part 1.2.3 Design Principles Specification Version 1.2, 2011.
  15. epctech.eric

    epctech.eric MDL Novice

    Jan 9, 2013
    Hi Mazzif.
    Just wanted to tell you I got your PM but since I don't have 5 posts yet I can't reply...
    But I appreciate your work.
    It's 2730P that we're building.
  16. oldgeekcd

    oldgeekcd MDL Novice

    Aug 28, 2014
    did lots of 2730p's

    best solution use the DOS tools, never had any luck with the Windows tools
    try a force BIOS update other track was to image the dos tools on an external hdd

    best tools I have are a sata cable to read write 1.8 hdd as external drives
    and the 2nd drive cd reader so i can place an external 2.5 hdd disk in a cd drive slot less than $15 on eBay us