HP Probook/Elitebook BIOS Password Reset [Utility]

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Mazzif, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. adnahmed

    adnahmed MDL Novice

    Jul 1, 2012
  2. adnahmed

    adnahmed MDL Novice

    Jul 1, 2012
    same here.
    all we can do just make 5 reply :)
  3. aloumda

    aloumda MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2014
    Hi Mazzif,
    First of all, I really appreciate your work

    Second, how to find Hp Elitebook 6930p UUID?

  4. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    When booting, during POST, press F1. This works with most HP machines to display System Information. Booting the DOS USB will collect the SN and UUID and save it to the root USB in a file called SYSTEM.NFO.
  5. flashgordon86

    flashgordon86 MDL Novice

    Sep 5, 2014
    Hi Mazzif,

    Any idea how I can flash the bios on a ProBook 6475b? I've bought 7 of them and it turns out they are useless. The wireless and USB ports have been disabled via the BIOS and I'm unable to change without the password.

    I have tried your tool but unfortunately the 6475 isn't supported. Is there another method I can try to get these things working?

    Cheers mate
  6. aloumda

    aloumda MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2014
    Thanks for your response :)
    I have good news :D

    At first F1, F9 and F10 are protected by a password.
    In order to solve this problem I forced a BIOS update by following these steps:
    1- I have downloaded bios from HP (F.20 9 dec. 2011) sp55639.exe.
    2- I have formatted a 1GB USB Thumbdrive to FAT32 non bootable and set the label "HP_BIOS".
    3- I created a directory tree "Hewlett-Packard\BIOS\Current\"
    4- I used Universal Extractor to extract all files to directory sp55639, then extract "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom.cab" and "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom.cab".
    5- I moved the files "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom\Rom.bin", "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom\efibios.sig", "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom\Rom.bin" and "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom\efibios.sig" to the "Hewlett-Packard\BIOS\Current\".
    6- I renamed "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom\Rom.bin" to "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom\68PCD.bin", "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom\efibios.sig" to "sp55639\sp55639d\Rom\68PCD.sig", "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom\Rom.bin" to "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom\68PCU.bin" and "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom\efibios.sig" to "sp55639\sp55639u\Rom\68PCU.sig".
    7- After running the BIOS RECOVERY (windows key + B) and wait 2-5 minutes. i have successful to update the bios from F.0E to F.20.

    After updating the bios F1 and F9 are unlocked but F10 is still protected by a password.
    I am happy because I can use F1 to get SN and UUID, and F9 to use the DOS USB. I realized quickly that I can not get UUID using F1 or SYSTEM.INFO file... After a little research I found that I can use 'HPSET146.EXE' utility to get SN and UUID. I download the file and the problem is solved.

    so I can now confirm that both methods work for HP ELITEBOOK 6930p.

    Regards ^^
  7. zajchik01

    zajchik01 MDL Novice

    Oct 24, 2008
    Hello mazzif!

    Can you send me your cool tool to reset password on my HP Elitebook 6470b, please?
    All links below already expired Sad So, can you create new links, or send me it via email - [email protected]
    I will be so happy, if you have a version of your tool that will work on windows 8.1 64-bit, because boot from DVD or USB is locked from BIOS on my laptop Sad - only HDD.

  8. Driox

    Driox MDL Novice

    Sep 17, 2014
    Hello Mazzif!

    Do you think you will be able to update to include the elitebook 840 G1?

    Regards Driox
  9. jeepman_69

    jeepman_69 MDL Novice

    Sep 20, 2014
    Hello Mazzif,

    I have an 8440w that I used the Shotgun approach with. I did place the 8440pa.exe in the BAT file first to see if they were close enough due to just Graphics differences (I hope that is all). The password is reset, but now I get

    System Board OOA Product Information Not Valid

    during boot up. Unfortunately, I did not press F9 during the initial clear, so only one pass went through. I do have the SN and UUID documented, so hopefully there is a way to re-program those values. Is there? Thanks.
  10. andreiutz99

    andreiutz99 MDL Novice

    Sep 20, 2014
    anyone succeeded with 6570b? please help me i've tried a lot of things but doesn't work, i can't boot from nothing, i can't change anything in it, and where i'm from nobody know change bios chip, and i have no posibillity to buy one, please forgive my poor english.
  11. jeepman_69

    jeepman_69 MDL Novice

    Sep 20, 2014
    So the 8440w is somewhat supported. I was able to clear the password, but ended up with the error message above. I was able to reprogram the Serial Number, and PCID and Model Name via an HP "Technician" tool that can be found in HP DMI Tool.zip. Basically I was able to boot to a USB key and run the tool and it prompted for whether it was an 8440p or an 8440w, so based on that they are different systems. LOL. The program then asked for the empty values, and now I get a clean boot everytime. Now I just need to find my HP Win 7 DVD! :)
  12. strohj

    strohj MDL Novice

    Sep 22, 2014
    I can confirm that the Elitebook 8460P works if you use the shotgun mode... it took a few reboots and running shotgun mode twice.. but it worked great!
  13. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    This is often the result from not running the utility a 2nd time as instructed by the program. Or you can do it manually. Either way, gets the job done.
  14. hhafidi

    hhafidi MDL Novice

    Sep 30, 2014
    Hi Mazzif,

    I read your posts and applied a couple of option trying to see if I could access my BIOS.
    But up till now I havn't succeeded.
    Is it possible you know a way to access or bypass the BIOS password ?
    This is the issue.
    all extra hardware like USB ports,WiFi,webcam etc are disabled in the BIOS.
    I recently bought the laptop not knowing It was for sale because of this issue.
    I tried contacting HP but the bin file they supplied is not useable because I can't use a USB stick since the ports are disabled.
    I have a screencapture of my HP info if needed were serial UUID etc is stated..

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

  15. Mazzif

    Mazzif Elitebook Pwner

    Oct 18, 2013
    If this is a 'power on password', not much we can do. If this were a supported model (sorry HP Probook 450 is NOT a supported Model) and if If it boots to HDD without password, you can see my posts in this thread on making a 2nd HDD DOS bootable with my tools loaded. I refer to this as 'Locked Boot Order". Feel free to test though, I have not with your particular model because I don't have one. We might get lucky.
  16. hhafidi

    hhafidi MDL Novice

    Sep 30, 2014
    Hi Mazzif, thank you for your fast responce.
    I will do some more testing. But since I'm out of the country at the moment I will try to do that this coming weekend.
    I'll give you an update on my findings.
    Thanks in advance for your time.

  17. paulzx10

    paulzx10 MDL Novice

    Oct 1, 2014
    Found this thread while searching the internet to find a way to unlock the bios password on a 6530b I got cheap on ebay for my oldest son to do his school work on, had to update the bios first to allow this awesome piece of software to work its magic but now unlocked so can get on with installing windows. Big big thankyou Mazzif your a life saver....:worthy:
  18. BJ0RN

    BJ0RN MDL HTTP-uploader

    Dec 6, 2013
    Thanks a lot man. This tool worked like a charm on Elitebook 8460p
    Thanks again. :worthy:
  19. Metal

    Metal MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2009
    I have a group of off lease HP Mini 5103's all with BIOS passwords.
    Has anyone had any luck with this model? Shotgun doesn't work and so far I've been unable to use any of the listed BIOS recovery methods to update to a more current bios (the machines are all on f.03 now)
  20. KLF

    KLF MDL Novice

    Aug 18, 2009
    HP 4530s
    Bios admin password and PW/Fingerprint prompt at boot removed with that trick.

    Already installed Windows 7, working just fine :) Best of all, my boss said that I can keep the machine after he had tried removing the password and failed. :D

    My sincere thanks, this was great.